"MyVoidLinux", my new Sourceforge project....

1 year ago

A place to get up-to-date - but standard iso - of Voidlinux. I have used the excellent 'void-mklive' to produce up-to-date iso that are as per those you get from the official sources. But you will find all those no longer produced, such as KDE, Cinnamon, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, and Enlightenment. I have added a couple of things that I feel should be done as standard; 'xdg-user-dirs' (to provide correct directory structure within a file manager, out-of-the-box.), and 'OctoXbps' are included on these iso[s].
I hope this helps, and will save an immediate big update need.
(*July iso to follow, BTW..!) Project page is at https://sourceforge.net/projects/myvoidlinux/ .
Best wishes, stay safe/

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