THE RAW DEAL (21 March 2022)

1 year ago

The US turns out to be providing Ukraine will military intelligence from multiple sources, just as we are doing with Saudi Arabia in its efforts to defeat the Houthi in Yemen--and for equally bad reasons. This is border-line complicity, which could lead to military action in retaliation by Russia, which would have grievous consequences for the US and its allies. For example, Russia has deployed one of its new hypersonic missiles to take out an arms-and-mercenary base with devastating effects. China has sided with Russia that NATO and its expansion has been responsible for the conflict now, where Paul Craig Roberts explains that Put is aware that Washington has launched a "War of Annihilation" against Russia, where he will have to calculate the threat it poses to the national security of his nation. Unlike Biden, Putin is working to preserve the Russian nation, while Biden does his best to destroy the United States. But as Paul also observes, Putin may not yet realize the extent to which Globalism is the problem, where Russian nationalism and Globalism are inconsistent and cannot endure together. More evidence has emerged of US complicity in funding and maintaining the biowarfare labs in Ukraine. New developments on Sandy Hook are drawing large numbers of views, where I will be offering an on-line course on Critical Thinking & Conspiracy Theories beginning on 6 April (one-hour classes once a week on Wednesdays from 8-9 PM/CT). Check it out.

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