Most People Are Not Successful Because They Are Not Clear On What They Want

1 year ago
Motivational Talk by naam ācārya Dharmavira Das Prabhu from Radhakund, India.

People do not take consistent action and develop this in their nervous system. To change the quality of your life. You must have desire and commitment. Anything you focus on, on a consistent basis, you will improve.
Whatever we focus on continually, we tend to manifest in our lives.
You have to know what is working for you and you need to make the changes if necessary.
The biggest trap that prevents people from taking action is fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of pain and fear of the unknown. Failure or success is not overnight. Failure to give 100% creates failure. Most successful people fail more than anyone else.
Pay close attention to the results you are getting and keep making changes until you succeed. Our brain is the most powerful computer and has all the answers. What empowers you is not learning more, but taking action. The ultimate success is that you have to know what your desired outcome is
because clarity is power. When you know your desired outcome, you have empowered yourself.
Use it, take action, notice what you are getting from your action.
Hare Kṛṣṇa

64 Rounds maha mantra
laksa naam

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