'Women' Appear Possessed By Demons, Go Completely Bonkers Over Child Sacrifice Being Threatened

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'Women' Appear Possessed By Demons, Go Completely Bonkers Over Child Sacrifice Being Threatened

Red Voice Media
Published June 26, 2022

News and Commentary
‘Women’ Appear Possessed By Demons, Go Completely Bonkers Over Child Sacrifice Being Threatened [VIDEOS]

By Zach Heilman
June 26, 2022

Just a week before Americans will celebrate July 4th, the country seemed to be hurled into chaos as the Supreme Court followed through with its decision in the leaked document to overturn Roe v. Wade. As most have seen, protests erupted all over the United States as Democrats and liberal activists cried, screamed, and made threats against the Supreme Court Justices. Key Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the always vocal Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez considered the ruling to be a direct attack on women’s rights. While the topic of abortion is now placed in the hands of each individual state, liberal activists appeared not to care as they uploaded videos of their unhinged views and calls for a revolution.

Not able to play all the top moments from protests over the weekend, which included one woman trying to pepper spray pro-life supporters, the video below showcased a woman screaming and beating a pillow before transitioning to another woman who had a colorful monologue ready for conservatives, Christians, and pro-life activists.

After the complete meltdown, the woman above declared, “White women of privilege will still have access after their senators fuck them. Poor working mothers will not. Young women who are victims of sexual assault will not. Women who find out that their child is not viable in the third trimester will not. And who the fuck knows what’s gonna happen ectopically because you can prove that you don’t know what an ectopic pregnancy is? How do I have less rights than my mother? Not everybody believes in your sky daddy. Not everybody believes in your cloud Papa. The fact that you tied religion to your decision is pathetic.”

Surprisingly, not running out of air, the woman continued, “Rolling back the clock on women’s rights and bodily autonomy is pathetic. You fucking conservatives love fetuses. You love fetuses. You are pro-birth. You are pro-ectopic sac because fetuses can’t talk, and they can’t vote against you. But they make a good narrative for your fucking reelection campaigns. This will never stop abortions ever. It stops them from being safe. It stops women from dying. It stops women from having back-alley abortions or throwing themselves down stairs.”

And although she was adamant about not being religious, she ended with a call for prayer. “I pray. You never get another restless night’s sleep in your life thinking about what you did to women. This is not over, not by a long shot. How dare you. Karma does not forget. And she may take some time to come back around. But she will get to you.”

Again, just a sample of what the country has seen over the weekend. The protests have appeared to become less civil as the days go on, leading to more police presence.

And it’s not just women. (Sorry, not sorry if I misgendered you) Listen to how demonic this guy sounds…

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