Bible Mysteries Podcast: Episode 75 - Listener Questions

2 years ago

Bible Mysteries Podcast: Episode 75 - Listener Questions

Summary: We answer listener questions from emails and comments on YouTube!

Show Notes - Question List:

Erik: "For as much as I want to believe this, I am still not yet convinced that the Biblical evidence is sufficient.  I have heard you mention the translation in Genesis as reading “in ruins”, and then using that to say that it must have been a prior civilization that was “in ruins”.  I’m not saying that is not a valid assumption, but I’m wondering if you could possibly expand on that?  Is there more evidence for this?  Maybe there is room for another podcast to expand on this?   I want to believe this and be able to present a relatively sound case for this amongst my family and peers.  This whole concept makes the “Old Testament” God a whole lot less scary… and I think that’s important."
Paula: "Do you believe in the pretribulation rapture?"

Murray: "I am trying to understand how the fallen angels who were all created by God and not birthed as humans are can have seed that is compatible with a human female egg. It is my understanding that angels do not marry and there is little evidence that angels would have genitalia like humans."

Emily: "Do you know anything about the dark matter they're creating in Switzerland? This would end up tying in well to Paul Wallis’s theory of ufos prior to us populating earth... I just found this and am going to do more research about CERN but I'd love to know what you know."

Leanna: "First question I have is, when were the Angles created? I have always thought they were created well before earth but I have run into others that are saying they were created on day 2 or 3 our known creation."

Terry: " I live in Pittsburgh, and am looking for a Bible-believing,  non-woke church in the area.  Do you know of any? "

Yinglyca1 (from YouTube): "When did they thrust the sword in His side?"

AllsWellMichL (from YouTube): "What about the "Great Falling Away" & the time of false "Peace & Security"? How does that fit in the timeline if 2030 is the middle of the seven years?"

Stanley: "As a fellow lay Bible believer I really harmonized with your explanations of what the prophecies mean in relation to current and future events. However, you lost credibility when you chickened out of answering the caller’s challenge to the “Rapture” by saying you didn’t argue doctrine."

"I am curious to know exactly where you first heard and espoused the concept which I view as being used to eclipse the great and glorious Second Coming of Christ"

Joey: "I keep hearing other preachers bring up the temptation of Jesus. Sure if he (Satan) could not fulfill the offer of all the kingdoms it would not have been much a temptation. I agree with that wholeheartedly. But here is the thing...... Jesus was fully man and fully God Almighty!.... Tempting Jesus with kingdoms on earth is akin to tempting a crawfish farmer with 5lbs of crawfish!.... It just doesn't wash!..... Something is missing here..... To temp God with a few kingdoms on earth that he created is no temptation! Not to mention that being tempted by a being that he created in the first place is almost laughable to me!....... So what am I missing here pastor Scott?"

Scripture References:
All Scripture references cited from the King James Version Bible

Genesis 1:1-2, Jeremiah 4:23-26, Isaiah 34:1-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18,
1 Thessalonians 5:9-10, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, Genesis 6:1-4, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude :6, Daniel 2:43, Matthew 24:36-39, Revelation 9:1-11, Job 38:6-7, John 19:33-35,
1 Thessalonians 5:1-10, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8, 2 Timothy 2:23-26, Hebrews 4:14-16

Enjoy hearing feedback from our listeners as we respond to some of their questions. Keep those questions coming!

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