Amy Morin: Mental Strength & How To Face Your Fears

3 years ago

Ever since the world shut down, crippling small businesses, decimating communities and filling us all with fears of certain death, the response from politicians and world government has been disturbingly inadequate, to say the least.

Instead of educating the public on how to strengthen our immune system, politicians have preyed on people's fears, divided us, locked us inside, forced us all to cover our faces with cloth, and socially distance all the while.

But there's a big difference between socially distancing and physically distancing.

I'm beginning to feel that this choice of words was not an accident.

Also used as a form of torture, social distancing and isolation—especially combined with too much social media and screen time—destroys our relationships and damages our mental health.

Living in a constant state of anxiety and fear is just about the worst possible thing for our health and well-being.

When our mental health suffers our physical health falls apart. And at some point, we'll all have to acknowledge that mental health actually matters.

So we'll talk in this show today about how to deal with all of these crazy feelings that we may or may not be experiencing right now.

Today, we're here with Amy Morin, a psychotherapist, psychology lecturer, licensed clinical social worker, and author who’s now on her 4th book.

Amy’s TEDx talk, The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong, is one of the most popular talks of all time with more than 14 million views.

And Amy’s new podcast “Mentally Strong People” will be coming to you live from her floating podcast studio in the Florida Keys, where she lives on a sailboat!

If you're looking to build your mental strength and fortitude, this is the episode for you.

On today’s show with Amy Morin we're discussing…

* Specific mental strength exercises to manage your emotions, regulate your thoughts and take more productive action
* How to train your brain for happiness and success
* Facing your fears and taking back your power
* How to raise self-assured children
* And tons more...

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