Dr. Francis Boyle – Monkeypox, the WHO & Further Biological Warfare Towards Biomedical Dictatorship

2 years ago

June 09, 2022
Source: www.zeeemedia.com/interview/uncensored-jeff-nyquist-china-plan-to-invade-us-by-mid-terms-in-november-australia-at-risk/

Dr. Francis Boyle joined us again today to discuss the 1st August 2022 date that the WHO wants to proceed with their Pandemic Treaty, Monkeypox, and other biological threat tactics that the globalists will use to continue to push their global biomedical dictatorship on humanity.

Dr. Boyle’s latest book, ‘Resisting Medical Tyranny: Why the COVID-19 Mandates Are Criminal’ is available here:


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