Indications of Mars in Astrology

3 years ago

In this video I discuss many indications of Mars in your chart. Mars is the soldier, significator of younger siblings, passion, your energy level, bravery, will, determination to see things through, sports, protection, competitive ventures, logic, strength, fights, wars, metals, gems, engineering, army, navy and other forces. It rules Tuesdays, muscles, solar plexus chakra (fight or flight mechanism within us) and blood. A strong Mars means you are confident about getting the job done without fear, you won’t be scared to deal with what is bothering you or enemies/disease. A healthy Mars will articulate the way they see things without getting into arguments and happy to shake the hand of the opponent who has just beaten them, where as a weak Mars will harbour grudges and start fighting and be abusive. Mars is masculine, exalted at 28 degrees Capricorn and debilitated in the opposite sign 28 degrees of Cancer, where a logical planet is dealing with emotions and not able to express self well and can suffer from anxiety as boundaries are hazy and can cause passive aggressive behaviour in some. Receives directional strength in the 10th house, which gives Mars exceptional focus to achieve and climb the career ladder. It is friendly with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter but neutral with Venus and Saturn and enemy to Mercury.
To strengthen the Mars in your chart you can use this mantra; “Om Nam Mangala Namaha”.
People with very strong Mars especially in Aries or Scorpio find it very hard to listen to the others even when in their heart they know their old ways do not serve them well. Once they do see the light, the progress in life is pretty amazing.
Due to many requests I am starting a Patreon page where you can learn about astrology in small bites at affordable price. I shall keep you posted.
I use Sidereal zodiac.
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