Have you been chanting the maha mantra for some time and are not getting the results you expected?

2 years ago

Krishna Consciousness is not only a philosophy, but the science of self-realization. If you want to realize yourself, you just have to engage your mind in Krishna Consciousness by chanting maha mantra daily. Dharmavira Prabhu

Chant Hare Krishna Maha Mantra

If you are interested to discover more about chanting 64 rounds daily Hare Krishna mantra, you need to click: https://www.prabhupadaharinam.org

Hare Krishna Prabhus in Vaishnavies.
Songs by our Vaishnava Acharyas, Govinda das Takhura.  Bhaje Hure Mana.  Govind das thakura was a great poet and vaishnav. In Bhagavad Gita it is sad. If you have your mind controlled, he is your best friend. If your mind is uncontrolled,  he is your greatest enemy. Both your friend and enemy is sitting with you. If you can utilize the friendship of the mind, then you are elevated to the highest perfectional stage. But if you create your mind as your enemy, then your path to hell is clear! You always engage your mind in Krishna Consciousness. Then your mind becomes automatically controlled. If the mine does not have a chance to engage in no other business, accept Krishna Consciousness, Then he cannot become your enemy. Then your mind automatically becomes your friend. That is the instruction in the Shrimad Bhagavatam. King Ambarish first of all engaged his mind on the lotus feet of Sri Krishna. If you take shelter of the lotus feet Of Shri Krishna, you immediately become fearless.

The question may arise. If you take full shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, then how will you enjoy your family like wife, daughter, mother, etc? Govinda das advises, you don't waste your life in that way. This human form of life is really rare. Out of many millions of births, you got this opportunity to get free from repeated birth and death. My dear mind you don't go anywhere, You just associate with pure devotees. Then you will be able to cross over the ocean of nescience.  My mind, you want to enjoy your family, wealth and youthful ages?

Do you think there is any transcendental pleasure in these nonsense things? No. It is simply illusion. How long will you get pleasure in these nonsense things? This sort of pleasure is flickring. And for that purpose you are working so hard day and night. Are you not ashamed of this? And you don't know how long you'll enjoy this life. This life is tottering. Just like there is water on the lily leaf and it is tilting. And at any moment it can fall down. Our life is just like that. It is tilting. And at any moment it may collapse.

Don't waste your life in all these temporary things. Just engage your mind always in Krishna Consciousness for eternal happiness. How to discharge this Krishna Consciousness. Just chant this maha-mantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama with absorption and the guidance of a pure devotee of Sri Krishna. This is the only process recommended in Kali Yuga. Thank you very much. Hare Krishna!

64 Rounds

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