Prophetic Warning for America | 38 year old Prophetic Word to Christians | Kathleen Eaton

1 year ago

Prophetic Warning - Warning from God for the United States

"And all of Canaan was upon the Land"
A reference to us backsliding just as Israel did in the land of Canaan, mixing pagan practices and beliefs with our worship of God, marrying unbelievers, adopting pagan customs (prescribed enactments, statutes) instead of His, as well as pagan practices and gods, and basically everyone doing what was right in their own eyes, rather than what is right in His.

"Just as I gave Israel the land of Canaan, so also I have given you the United States. Just as Israel forgot My words, intermarried with pagans, and adopted their customs, practices and gods, so also have you done. And just as I judged Israel, so also I am judging you, unless you repent as a Nation."
Word of the Lord Late 1986 - Early 1987

Not long after God dramatically & supernaturally revealed Himself to me when I gave my heart and life to Him, He began communicating with me. At first it was just answered prayer, something I had not experienced in the 23 years prior to giving Him my heart & life. But then God did something I never could have anticipated...First He spoke to me in a Dream, and then He and spoke to me when I was fully conscious & gave me a prophetic message for the United States. It has been 36 years since He gave me that message, and I have been watching it all happening in front of me ever since. It was 40 years from the time Jesus/Yeshua prophesied Woes over Jerusalem till it's destruction and the exile of the Jewish people. It has been 36 years since He gave me this prophetic word. I shudder to think what may become of the United States of America should the nation fail to repent.

*Before I had a computer, I had no way to get this prophecy out except by word of mouth. Then when I finally got one, I created a webpage on Angelfire I think it was. I doubt anyone saw it there.
Then when YouTube and social media were created, I finally was able to post it where I hoped more people would see it. ...after many years of confirmations both from God & from what I have seen happening in our nation, I am finally was able to post this prophetic warning where I hoped it could be seen by the public at large.

**Warning: you may be offended by this video! This is a Re-Posting of the Entire Video rather than in parts. It was posted in 3 parts when all I was allowed was 10 minutes per video, back in 2010. Those videos are still up on YouTube, so people can see that this video has been up in one form or another since 2012.
When it was picked up by a prophecy website, they only posted part 3. To avoid further situations like this, and finally having the ability to post longer videos, I decided to post it in it's entirety in one. I recently completed slight edits in order to remove what I now believe to be an erroneous belief regarding the origins of Christmas, and sadly at the time I made this, I still did not know the dietary laws were in effect.
I also put a correction regarding the word used in Galatians 5 , as I found that the dictionary I had used claimed it meant moral lewdness, but that was an assumption on their part. They also said it meant uncleanness/impurity, which is the primary meaning, but they focused on an assumption that it was about lewdness, which was false. The bible interprets the bible. Uncleanness/impurity is clearly explained in the Old Testament writings, in particular in passages about bodily uncleanness , and in Leviticus 11 which is very clear that we are not to eat unclean/impure creatures, and not to touch the dead bodies/flesh of unclean creatures. If you have not seen the 1 Timothy 4 video, this is a must in order to understand WHY uncleanness is sin - but you have to see it all the way through to really get it. This is a SERIOUS sin, even though most of society has no understanding of why that is. This video makes it clear, as I discuss what God showed me AFTER I reveal the truth re 1 Timothy 4

***Please see my video on 1 Timothy 4 for a Critical Word for Christians. That passage is far more important than most Christians realize. Between that and the mention of uncleanness in Galatians 5, Ephesians 5:5 and 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 and after the revelation the Lord gave to me on that passage, I can confidently say that millions of lives are at stake if we fail to understand this correctly. Yes, it's that serious.

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