When the Mind Shapes Reality, Belief is Good For You (Part 1)

3 years ago

Medical mystery Wim Hof has put his body to the test, and the science is in: belief is really good for you. Especially if you learn to use the power of your mind (and lungs) to control your immune system. But what’s going on? How is it that your mind, a part of you that doesn’t even seem to have a physical location, shapes reality? How can thoughts have such a huge influence on everything from your immune system, to how likely you are to die in the next decade?

Join us as we sit down in the middle of a global panic and figure out the ways in which the mind affects medical outcomes, and why training yourself to overcome what the brain and body want - can mean the difference between success and tragedy.

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Dr. Kox Website: https://www.radboudumc.nl/en/people/matthijs-kox
Dr. Kox Publications: https://publons.com/researcher/2362625/matthijs-kox/
Dr. Kox Study on Wim Hof: https://www.pnas.org/content/111/20/7379

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We wrote and performed the music in this episode!
Shilo Delay: https://soundcloud.com/laterisgone
And everywhere else (Spotify, etc..)

#WimHof #ConsciousControl #MindOverMatter


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