Interest Of Justice tells the HHS and World Health Assembly the WHO clearly needs reformed & why.

2 years ago

Dustin Bryce from Interest Of Justice.Org lays down the Rules as the oversight Committee on the HHS hearing for WHO Stakeholders.

Interest Of Justice believes that there was NOT enough time to prepare for this event and it was difficult to have true meaningful participation as a true democracy requires. IOJ was able to speak and be heard multiple times in this even which was very unexpected and an amazing opportunity to tell the truth to their WHO about all of their structural defects and why they should be reformed or abolished. This is the 1st video out of many in the series which will be posted in time.

Here is what was said in the two minute speech by IOJ:


"My name is Dustin Bryce from Interest Of Justice.Org and we are an oversight committee and a private research institute"

"We prepared a short speech to encompass all topics we chose for ease."

"First, we think the most important is WHO reform. There are inherent conflicts of interest with the WHO’s financing coming from private sector and private foundation stakeholders that financially gain from the implantation of many of the agendas on today’s table including Financing and implementation of the program budget 2022-2023."

"Second, the immunization agenda 2030 relies on the false presumption vaccines save lives and “underpin global security”, which is not true for WHO’s more broad definition of vaccine which usurps countries sovereignty by changing the legislator made definition to include gene editing vaccines and have demonstrably killed more people from all cause mortality than all other vaccines combined.."

"Third, In regard to Implementation of the international health regulations, people have the right to participate in the design, implementation and approval of all health policy but are clearly excluded in the short notice which denies due process. Many thousands of marginalized primary stakeholders believe the proposed IHR amendments must be withdrawn for lack of substantiation of the necessity, proportionality and reasonableness pending time for due process, participation and legal actions."

"Fourth, equity must be defined in a way that includes traditional medicine as freedom of choice and a viable alternative to the gene vaccines which alter the human genome, the heritage to humanity."

"Last, 2 hours is far too short of a session to meaningfully discuss these important topics and we feel we did not receive meaningful participation."

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