(Pt 1/ 2) Session 100: "Last Stop: Justice" Dr Reiner Fuellmich (4.14.22) w/ Prof Kammerer, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, Jimmy Gerum (Talked abt Dr Ardis)

2 years ago

(abt the 48:00 mark) Reiner: "Other report coming in from Dr Ardis."

Attorney Fuellmich: "THIS IS THE SILENCE [calm] BEFORE THE STORM."

(48:13 -55:00) Reiner: "There's another report coming in from Dr Brian Ardis, whom I'm very fond of, a very engaged doctor, committed doctor in the US. He pointed out - now he's not the only one - a couple more... I think an Italian Scientist as well, who went into & he pointed out there's evidence that this is not a virus at all but IT IS A POISONING, which is not contagious, that's quite typical for poisonings. How that happened we don't know but it seems to show that here we have something like SNAKE POISON, which can produce massive amounts, synthetically you don't need snakes for that. We don't know what's behind that yet, that's why we just want to mention it here because it's created the headlines. One of the interviews is on my telegram channel as well I think, but at this point we just want to point it out. We do think it's important that everyone who can take action because they can still think fully subject to the mainstream media information - be aware and vigilant about this HIV story because what we believe is, they use it only, exclusively, to divert us from the fact that the vaccines harm the immune system.

Wolfgang: "Let me just recap. So undoubtedly the proteins we created, the spike proteins, are toxic like SNAKE VENOM is a toxin and we vaccinate we formulate ourselves. It's toxic and what I notice is that there's similar effects between what we create ourselves compared to SNAKE VENOM is very disconcerting indeed. I mean the (m)RNA is actually created to produce these kinds of venom's inside us. Maybe we can research and find out how come... maybe they didn't just put the cap on the spike proteins but also included a level of toxicity which is usually incorporated in in SNAKE VENOM. It's something we need to look into. This is very important...

* Senator Massie complains about the mothers wanting to protect their children being called terrorists.

* Fauci bragging up the effectiveness of the so-called vaccines - the committee plays rolling clips showing how false that was.

* Why SARS-Cov-2 "vaccinated" people can test HIV+.
* Juridical steps against German public broadcasting and how to defend against false reporting/censorship.
*The influence of the City of London.
*The role of the Deep State during the plandemic.
*The impact of negative interest rates.
*Reasons for the Provocation of the Ukraine Crisis.

Who is Reiner Fuellmich ?:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was born and raised in Bremen. He went to school in Bremen and Farmington Hills, Michigan. He studied law at Georg-August University in Göttingen and in Los Angeles.

Among other things, he worked as a research assistant at the law faculty of Georg-August University in Göttingen, where he obtained his doctorate.

Before joining the law firm, Dr. Fuellmich he worked at the corporate banking of Deutsche Bank in Germany and Japan.

Dr. Fuellmich has published various articles and books in the field of banking law, medical law and private international law and has already taught as a professor and lecturer at universities in Germany and Estonia.

Main Activities:

* Banking and stock exchange law
* Private international law
* Medical law


* German American Lawyers Association
* Association of German Japanese Lawyers
* German lawyers association
* Membership of the Citizen Movement Finanzwende
* Founding board of the Corona Commission Foundation,
* Co-founder of the A-DuR (Action Democracy and Law) interest group to include:
*Genuine class action lawsuits and a sanctioned right to evidence in the sense of discovery in civil procedural law with a view to creating equality of weapons in legal disputes with structural imbalances resulting from the participation from state organs or companies.


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