17. Change the color of artwork - How to recoloring artwork in a few steps using Recolor artwork.

2 years ago

17. Change the color of artwork - What you learned: Recolor artwork using a color wheel, libraries of predefined colors, or pick a color palette from artwork or images using the Color Theme Picker

WHAT YOU'LL NEED - Sample files to practice with (ZIP, 35 MB) Get Files - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tzp921exAygLEOvlaEEtBW5x_SZ_wJpz/view?usp=sharing

Recolor artwork using the Recolor Artwork dialog box.

Select artwork to recolor.

Click the Recolor button in the Properties panel to the right, to open the Recolor Artwork dialog box. Colors from the selected artwork show on a color wheel.

Drag one color handle in the color wheel to edit them all. Click the Link Unlink Harmony Colors button to unlink the colors and edit colors individually.

From the Color Library menu, choose color groups, document swatches, or preset color themes to recolor artwork.

Click the Color Theme Picker button and click both vector and raster objects on the canvas to sample and apply the color. Drag a selection through vector artwork to sample specific colors.

In the Prominent Colors section of the Recolor dialog box, adjust the weight of a color in your artwork by dragging the handle between colors.

To save all the colors in the Swatches panel, click the folder icon at the bottom of the dialog box. Choose either Save All Colors or Save Prominent Colors to only save the colors shown in the Prominent Colors section.

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