Rainbow in the morning

2 years ago

A rainbow is a multicoloured arc, or curved line, in the sky. Most rainbows form when the Sun’s rays strike raindrops falling from rain clouds. Rainbows appear in the part of the sky opposite the Sun, usually in the early morning or late afternoon. The colours of a rainbow are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.

Sunlight travels through space in the form of waves. To describe the waves scientists use an idea called wavelength . Some light waves have long wavelengths, while others have short wavelengths. Light waves with different wavelengths appear as different colours. Usually all light waves blend together to form white light but when light waves pass through raindrops, they separate. This happens because the raindrops bend light waves with different wavelengths by a different amount. The separated light waves appear as the colours and create a rainbow.

YouTube linkhttps://youtu.be/r4dEmw9KuXU

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