1. The psychologically Negative effects of Christianity Kemetic Spiritual science Q & A

    The psychologically Negative effects of Christianity Kemetic Spiritual science Q & A

  2. Secrets of the Trinity: What Church Didn't Teach You About Ancient Egyptian Connection

    Secrets of the Trinity: What Church Didn't Teach You About Ancient Egyptian Connection

  3. Deja vu and synchronicity explained and what it means in the context of your life Kemetic Q & A

    Deja vu and synchronicity explained and what it means in the context of your life Kemetic Q & A

  4. How A Former Christian Pastor Conquered Bipolar Disorder To Live A Full Happy Life

    How A Former Christian Pastor Conquered Bipolar Disorder To Live A Full Happy Life

  5. Lilith, women and submissiveness in the discussion tonight and more! Kemetic Q & A

    Lilith, women and submissiveness in the discussion tonight and more! Kemetic Q & A

  6. Unraveling the Miracle: How Kemetic Science Decodes Jesus' Water-to-Wine Transformation🤯

    Unraveling the Miracle: How Kemetic Science Decodes Jesus' Water-to-Wine Transformation🤯

  7. Why does God allow suffering? Analyzing Christian contradictions in a Kemetic context

    Why does God allow suffering? Analyzing Christian contradictions in a Kemetic context
