What is The Metaverse how people are making their own digital virtual world #Metaverse

2 years ago

What is The Metaverse how people are making their own digital virtual world. We interrupt this program to bring you a special report in 1991 the first ever website went live and it looked like this not much going on here just a page with some text on it a couple of years later
a video went live on another website
alright so here we are one of the elephants fast forward a couple of years you have youtubers with a wider reach
than entire news outlet giants throughout history technology made jumps that created entire new industries and
economies another jump is happening as
you watch this video it's called the
metaverse and it'll change how
everything works
welcome to alux
will meta make everything better ever
since mark zuckerberg made the
announcement every news outlet started
to paint out this dystopian future where
all of us are doomed to be mindless
robots in a cog a ready player one meets
the matrix where the zuck controls
everything it's the easy narrative to go
with and the one that gets the most
clicks this video isn't about big
companies trying to build the matrix
it's about you understanding what's
happening and how you can profit from it
and the best way to understand this is
to look at something of a smaller scale
the multiverse
have you watched the new ariana grande
no not that one this one
they really did a full production
concert inside the game imagine telling
someone a couple of years ago that in
2021 ariana grande will tour in fortnite
it did however manage to create a unique
experience with a completely new level
of interaction something similar
happened with travis scott last year
what this type of experience does really
well is connecting something from the
real world with something from the
virtual world
something very interesting is happening
right now across all industries at the
same time
bmw announced their new car in rocket
league you have streaming companies like
netflix making video games you have
video game companies like riot making
netflix shows the result is a disruption
of how we interact with both worlds and
what's really possible so what exactly
is the metaverse
saying what the metaverse is now is like
saying what the internet was in the 90s
you can now glimpse the future with
nothing more than a modem a phone line
and a few dollars a month there was no
concept of social media content creators
sharing platforms trading platforms
platforms that make other platforms and
the list goes on so technically the
metaverse is whatever we build on it it
sits at the crossroads of web 3.0
blockchain and virtual reality it's the
combination of these three elements that
make it possible we need to take a look
at the three parts individually starting
with web 3.0 which is the next version
of the internet yes there are more
versions of the internet
web 1.0 looked like that website we
showed you at the beginning it's just a
page with a bunch of text and some
hyperlinks to more pages with more text
there is no interaction no user
generated content pretty much nothing
but text on a screen
web 2.0 is what we currently have now
it's largely community-based most of it
is user-generated content is highly
interactive and you can do a bunch of
stuff on it one really important thing
to mention here there's only one thing
you can buy and own on the internet a
single thing
it's a domain name
just like we own alux.com nobody in the
world can make another website with the
same domain name everything else is
owned by corporations take this video
for example sure we made it but if
youtube wants to they could just poof
and it's gone
which leads us to web 3.0
the most important thing you can do on
web 3.0 is own parts of the internet
everything that you make buy or sell on
the internet is yours and you have the
full rights this happens because of
blockchain and more specifically because
of nfts there are the foundation blocks
of value in the metaverse you probably
have an idea of what they are but most
disregard them as useless pixels on a
screen for which some idiots are paying
millions of dollars but alex what's
stopping me from doing a right-click
save of an nft to my desktop how is that
great question
for you to better understand how nfts
work let's talk about money or the story
of money or how money came to be
what makes you think this piece of paper
is worth 100
who told you that why would someone
trade goods for your piece of paper
well it's because over the years we
agreed that a dollar is worth a dollar
and we trust that it always does it's a
social construct it's not even real but
it makes it easy to exchange stuff so we
all agree to use it so the value of an
nft is how much those who embrace it
decide that it's worth and it provides
ownership because it can be tracked in
the blockchain it cannot be copied what
you're failing to see is what nfts can
become in the future the same way
websites transform over time compare the
first page with let's say google maps
they're both website pages accessed from
a specific link yet the difference
between them is astronomical there's
this great tweet that says something
like people say nfts are a scam but they
post their original creations on
instagram in exchange for a digital
heart so you have this way of truly
owning something and using it in the
context of web 3.0 now what would be a
great way to interact with this
virtual reality well yeah a virtual
reality this seems to be the only thing
people talk about even though it's just
part of the metaverse until holograms
become a thing this is the coolest thing
we have right now it's the natural
technological progression so when
someone says facebook is building the
metaverse it's fundamentally wrong
because they don't own the internet or
the blockchain or virtual reality it's
like saying apple built
telecommunications when they launch the
iphone and it doesn't really matter what
they or google or any other company are
doing once blockchain becomes mainstream
the internet is owned by individuals
and this is what most people can't wrap
their heads around so here's an example
imagine you're an artist you make one
song and sell it for one dollar as an
nft in your smart contract you add that
every time your song gets sold you make
with 20 going to the seller let's say we
buy your song for one dollar and we sell
it to someone else for one dollar in
this case you the artist make one dollar
from the initial sale and 80 cents from
the second sale while we also make 20
cents and this can go on and on every
time your song is sold you get 80
percent of it automatically in your
digital wallet no spotify involved no
apple music involved no label involved
not only do you make a whole lot more
money your community also makes money
from your work and this is how
individual ownership is happening
everything in the metaverse works with
this formula that's what the metaverse
really is the rise of individual
ownership so how can you profit from it
you need to become a native to this new
land in order for you to see new
opportunities you need to understand how
they're created and you do that by
getting educated if you have no idea how
this new thing works and you quickly
dismiss it as a dystopian nightmare
you'll be left behind when reality both
natural and virtual hits you the good
news is we're in the super early days
people are just starting to get educated
in this space there's a lot of room for
growth and a whole new pie to eat from
we hope you find this video valuable and
as a thank you for watching until the
end we have a bonus for you here are
some pretty cool things happening in
this space right now you can buy digital
land in video games for the uneducated
this means wasting money on pixels for
the educated it's the first step in
owning parts of video games imagine
being a digital real estate investor in
the next 10 years
nike just patented digital goods and
they'll sell virtual air jordans at some
point in the future imagine being a
digital reseller
Search Words :
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