Buffalo, NY area employees walkout and come together to rally at Niagara Square

2 years ago

One day after the general election in towns all across the country, workers and their families walked out of their jobs so they could join others who were protesting all over the world.
There's been a rush to accept bigotry, discrimination, hatred, targeting, prejudice and animosity against people who choose to not get injected with serums that are experimental. No one has provided them with any assurance that these in fact work, or that they will not be injured. Additionally, they're told that there's no way of knowing their employer will in fact be able to cover them for injuries or death. In fact, most insurer's have clearly stated that they will not cover any injury caused by an employer forcing their employees to take injections. This leaves employees uncovered, and employers at risk of losing everything they've built.
Additionally, OSHA has come out with a statement telling employers to not report any adverse effects to these injections, or any deaths caused by them. Why would they do that? Why would the agency tasked with keeping employees safe, and now responsible for fining businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars for non-compliance, not want to know what the effects of these injections are?
Let's be very clear, to date there's not one law on the books in this state, any other state or the federal government that states an employee has to receive this, or any injection in order to be employed. In fact, there's never been a law stating that in our country's history. There's been requirements to get them as a condition of employment, but there's always been options, including masks. Also, medical and religious exemptions have always been allowed and never questioned, until now. Why is that?
We're being told that a virus that has killed approximately 2100 Erie County Residents in nearly 2 years, a rate of about 3 per day, most of whom were at risk, co-morbid and over the age of 70, needs to have an injection to keep you safe. We know that's simply not true. We have states all over the country using treatments to minimize duration and severity of symptoms, and that are saving lives, regardless of how far along they are in the advancement of the virus in their systems.
Not only are we being told we must be injected to be safe, but you must be in order to keep your job. In any other time, this would be labeled as discrimination and the employer and government would be found guilty with no questions asked. These requirements, are merely that, just requirements, and employers are not obligated to force these on their employers. In fact, if they do, they are guilty of both civil and criminal infractions.
We have people and organizations all over the country that are exempt from getting this injection, including:
1. All White House Officials and Staff
2. All Congressional and Senate Officials and Staff
3. All NIH, FDA, NIAID and CDC employees
4. They're no less than 26 states across the country who've either made it illegal to force this, or any injection on their populations, or have said their populations will have a choice
5. NBA employees
6. Every Chinese national and student in our country
7. All US Postal employees
8. Migrants or undocumented migrants
We strongly suggest you take a look at all of those who've been made exempt from this injection and ask yourselves why?
These employees who are being forced by their employers to take an injection as a condition of employment are being targeted for their medical conditions and for their personal and religious beliefs. None of them should've had to provide anything to their employers to say no to this. None of them should've been threatened, bullied, shamed, intimidated, extorted, coerced, targeted or discriminated against for their beliefs and desire to not be injected.
Every one of these employees should have been provided the reasons why they're being forced as a condition of employment. They also should've all been instructed very clearly and plainly as to the risks of taking this injection, the ingredients, all the known deaths associated with the injections, all known injuries, if they were medically or genetically able to take these injections, what they should do if they were injured, permanently disabled or if they died. No employer cared to communicate any of this to their employees.
Instead, employers performed risk analysis and cost assessments for how many employees they would lose if they forced the shot to preserve profits. And that is egregious and vile. It is also criminal.
We here at the Experience Media stand with, for and by each and every one of these individuals losing their jobs unjustly. You are heroes and warriors and we admire your courage!!!

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