(6) The Meaning of Life

10 months ago

Chapter 6: The Meaning of Life

Why would we want to create anything?

When someone writes a story, we often ask ourselves the following two questions about that story. What does it mean? Why did the author write it? When someone paints a picture, we often ask ourselves the same two questions. What does it mean? Why did the artist paint it?

An author sometimes writes a story intended to educate, inspire, or entertain other people. An author sometimes also writes a story in a personal diary to document, reflect, and satisfy oneself. Sometimes it is not necessary to know the author to understand the meaning of the story. Sometimes also it is impossible to understand the meaning unless we intimately know the author.

A painter sometimes paints a picture intended to communicate, inspire, or entertain other people. A painter sometimes also paints a picture in a personal collection to document, reflect, and satisfy oneself. Sometimes it is not necessary to know the painter to understand the meaning of the painting. Sometimes also it is impossible to understand the meaning of the painting unless we intimately know the artist.

When there is a sequence of letters, we often ask ourselves the following two questions about the sequence of letters. What does it mean? Why are the letters in that sequence? When there is paint arranged on a canvass, we often ask ourselves the same two questions. What does it mean? Why is the paint in that arrangement?

Sometimes a sequence of letters spells out a word “love” or a code “AUG…UGA”. Sometimes also a sequence of letters makes a pattern “ababababababa”. Sometimes still a sequence seems random “asdfaffasddsfasdfasafddfsadfsd”. A seemingly random sequence may still have a pattern; such as letters made with the left hand on a keyboard. A seemingly random sequence may also still have a meaning and a purpose; such as to serve as an example of randomness.

Sometimes a painting is a picture of a person, object, or idea. Sometimes also a painting makes a pattern such as a mosaic. Sometimes still a painting seems random; such as paint splattered across the canvass. A seemingly random picture may still have a pattern; such as the stars in the night sky seen from an exoplanet. A seemingly random picture may also still have a meaning and purpose; such as to serve as an example of chaos or anarchy.

Sometimes there is a known meaning and a known purpose; we call these things a “design”. Sometimes also there is a known meaning but no known purpose; we call these things a “pattern”. Sometimes still there is a no known meaning nor known purpose. We call these things “random”.

The letters of a story seem to be designed. The letters of a sentence seem to follow a pattern. The letters of a word seem to be random. A masterpiece of paint appears to be designed. The brushstrokes of paint appear to follow a pattern. The atoms of paint seem to be random. Does life sometimes seem to follow a design, just a pattern, or be only random?

What is the meaning and purpose of life?

The original creators have the power to declare their own meaning and their own purpose. Everything else is created with a meaning and for a purpose by the original creators. We would have the power to declare the meaning and purpose of life if we are the original creators. Our creators have already created us with a meaning and a purpose if we are not the original creators.

When we ask the question “what is the meaning and purpose of life?”, we are acknowledging that we are not the original creators. When we ask the question “what is the meaning and purpose of life?”, we are seeking the meaning and purpose for which we were created.

If we were the original creators, we would make the declaration “the meaning and purpose of life is choosing to love us and other people”. If we were the original creators, we would love each other and we would create more people capable of choosing to love us and to love one another. If we were the original creators, we would encounter the problem that it is impossible to create people capable of choosing to love without also creating people capable of choosing not to love. If we were the original creators, we would create a world to test which people have chosen to be trustworthy to our declaration of love and which people have chosen to rebel against it. If we were the original creators, we would have the power and authority to gather the trustworthy to live with us in love, and we would have the power and authority to banish the rebels to imprisonment and death, the penalty for treason.

If we were the rebels, we would deny the declaration that “the meaning and purpose of life is choosing to love our creators and other people”. If we were the rebels, we might assert that “the meaning and purpose of life is service to the gods we fabricated”. If we were the rebels, we might also assert that “the meaning and purpose of life is whatever we choose it to be”. If we were the rebels, we might fabricate lies and assert that we are created by the gods that were fabricated. If we were the rebels, we might also deny that we were even created, but rather we might fabricate lies and claim to be the original creators. If we were the rebels, we would not genuinely seek to find and intimately know the original creators. If we were the rebels, we would reject the authority of the original creators to judge us, and we would attempt to judge our creators. If we were the rebels we would view the original creators as evil and parasitic as we have been. If we were the rebels, many of us would masquerade as the trustworthy.

If we are the trustworthy, we affirm the declaration that “the meaning and purpose of life is choosing to love our creators and other people”. If we are the trustworthy, we would affirm the self-evident truth that we were created by our original creators. If we are the trustworthy, we would not claim to be the original creators. If we are the trustworthy, we would genuinely seek to find and intimately know the original creators. If we are the trustworthy, we would acknowledge the power and authority of the original creators to determine when and how to administer justice. If we are the trustworthy, we would not advocate for or participate in any form of “vigilante justice”. If we are the trustworthy, we would hold the words of our creators as being sacred. If we are the trustworthy we would view the original creators as being loving and generous as we are. If we are the trustworthy, we can be distinguished from the masquerading rebels by our love for each other and for our creators.

What is the meaning of love?

The original creators have the power to declare their own meaning of love. We would have the power to declare the meaning for love if we are the original creators. Our creators have already created the meaning of love if we are not the original creators.

If we were the original creators, we would make a declaration of the meaning of love. If we were the original creators, we would program the definition of love into peoples’ consciences and have them write it out in their sacred books.

If we were the rebels, we would reject the declaration of the meaning of love made by the original creators. If we were the rebels, we would give love a new corrupted meaning of our choosing. If we were the rebels, we would corrupt the word “love” to mean pride and selfishness, “Love is rapid, love is brutal. Love is controlling, glamorous, and proud. Love steps over others, is selfish, impatient, and sometimes vindictive. Love delights when it gets what it wants and is dreadful when spurned. It takes advantage when it can, is usually skeptical, hopeless, and always faltering.” If we were the rebels, many of us would masquerade as the trustworthy to gain a good reputation out of pride and selfishness.

If we are the trustworthy, we would strive to achieve the declaration of the meaning of love declared by the original creators. If we are the trustworthy, we affirm the true meaning of love declared by the original creators. If we are the trustworthy, we preserve the genuine meaning of love as it is written, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” If we are the trustworthy, we will strive to act with integrity and perseverance out of genuine love.

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