Episode #213 ~ Recovering Love out of religion and unhealthy spirituality, Part 2

1 year ago

This concluded this series and was fired up, shooting from the Heart en fuego. Sharing some introduction from Tuesday night and finished up that piece, I share personal experience and observation. The bottom line is that it's all about going deeper into the Heart of who YOU are and there are so many beliefs, attachments and on and on that distract people from this trying to 'work' a dynamic to get what they want or 'spell' it into happening. The real magic is with connection and relationship from the inside, out. Things that look and sound like light and love aren't necessarily so or there may be credence and a place for it but it's not the solution for authentic progression and sustained solid expansion. Humanity is experiencing the greatest detachment from systematic conditioning in every way in history and it's not an easy walk in the park. I talked about what's legitimate and real, what will get and keep people healed and whole and how all of this shows up in relationships. A definite listen for everyone all around. Topic: ‘Recovering Love out of religion and unhealthy spirituality, Part 2’ Intro. Revivals. Formulas, methods and systems. Escapism, spiritualism and avoidance. Ascension addiction. Surrender in 'hard as hell' moments. Balance of Humanity. Grace in relating. Empaths/HSP’s/Lightworkers. Co-creating with inseparable, individual infinite Love you are and so much more !! Do enjoy and spread the word !! ~🎙🔥♥ www.dawnschale.com

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