Woodturning - Burly Oak Log

5 years ago

One of the last pieces of this oak I have, this ones covered in burls from one end to the other, slightly over seasoned but that just adds to effect, method below.

Oak treated first to stabilize the wood, this is done using a heat curing resin (Cactus Juice) under vacuum to remove the air, then left overnight to allow the resin to soak in once the vacuum is released, after this its placed in an oven at 92 C for 3 hours to cure. This time I added some colour to the resin to see what effect I could get within the wood, might need a bit more experimenting in this area.

Next the wood was placed in a mould and normal epoxy resin poured in to bond the two pieces together.

The rest is just wood turning with a bit of electricity :)

My website mjturning.com

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