The 80% Sufficient Life Off Grid AirCrete Homestead - The Survival Podcast with jack spirko

1 year ago

Workshops & Video Courses Video Course:


0:00 The 80 Percent Life
1:42 How I got here from where I started
4:42 Is there any land that is perfect?
7:33 My Desert Water Solution
10:18 Building Techniques
16:01 Pros & Cons Of Alternative Building
18:47 How do You Deal With Trash OffGrid
22:17 How to deal with poo
26:00 Rural Waste Processing From The Depression
27:28 Why Take Responsibility and not just take Hopium
30:00 Remote enough to not give two poo's about lockdown
34:38 What does the 80% Life Look-like
40:00 Evolving Designs for Our Efforts
42:14 What does 80% Food Production Look like
48:45 What Crops Do I Grow
57:30 What is AirCrete
1:09:25 AirCrete Building moves more quickly than Earthship
1:10:30 Durability of AirCrete in an Earthquake
1:13:50 Lowest Cost of Building with Earth
1:19:00 The Problems with Modern Urban Building
1:22:44 Living in Urban Spaces
1:28:02 Community Separate But Together
1:36:31 Private Business and Payment Methods Crypto Cash Silver Gold
1:45:44 Value-Packed Workshops

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