Love Will Out by Darmin De'flern 80s Darkwave/Synth Pop, New Romantics, Adam Ant, Stranger Things

1 year ago

Love WIll Out
Lyrics, Production, Written and Performed by
Darmin De'flern
Videos by Various artists from
Special thanks to Cottonbro for his videos from
Video edited, titles and subtitles by Darmin De'flern

This song started as a pop song trying to emulate the catchy bass lines for some of the great Michael Jackson hits like Billy Jean or Smooth Criminal. This is my second attempt and both have turned into 80s synth pop/darkwave songs. The first was My Ex

I put the drums in for the bass line I had in mind and from there on it started going in a different direction. As I was singing over the bass line I found that the tenor of the melody used was more apt for a darkwave, synth pop type of song.

From there on the song started from that bass line and morphed into this song. This track is much more dense musically speaking than My Ex with lots more counter melodies going on. There is even subtle timing shifts and large tone from dark to light within this song.

The idea for the song again came when I was riffing for some type of melody for vocals. On this occasion I was singing nonsense and at the end of the verse kept singing suicide. This was a little to dark for me as a subject however I loved the phonetic sound of the word. I therefore decided on a whim that all the words in both verses would rhyme with suicide half because of the sound of the word and half as an experiment to see if constantly rhyming the same type of thing works,

There is sparse amount of vocals to this song and that was deliberate. The music is set up as almost themed like in movies. In other words the instrumentals and the video tell a story to.

Equipment used:

MPC Live 2
Sennheiser e835s Mic

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