WHO Chief Scientist admits: UNKNOWN whether new bivalent COVID jabs provide ANY clinical benefit

1 year ago

WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan talks about the new bivalent COVID jabs that have been approved and are currently being produced for injection in the next few months. They are supposed to contain the genetic code for the alpha variant (which has been extinct for 2.5 years) and the omicold variant (which will have been extinct for almost a year by the time these new products roll out and was always between a cold and the flu in terms severity).

Earlier in the interview, Swaminathan explained that there are still way too many 'COVID' deaths, but she conveniently neglected to mention whether these are due to COVID or merely with a positive hyper oversensitive test or mere suspicion of COVID. This is of course a critical distinction.

She also says that the antibodies produced by the COVID jabs are non-neutralizing for the omicron variant, so they have no benefit in terms of infection and transmission. (Explain to me again why they are being mandated if that is the case.)

According to Swaminathan, people are still well protected due to T-cells which prevent escalating replication by destroying infected cells. This may be true, but this would happen anyway and the injections likely had no benefit whatsoever for T-cells.

In this segment she explains that the bivalent jabs have shown a strong antibody response, i.e. the body produces many antibodies after injection. However, she just explained that antibodies play a minor role at best. They haven't PROVEN that the antibodies are neutralizing in this case; they've merely CLAIMED they are.

All in all, it is totally unknown whether a strong antibody response translates to any clinical benefit. This is of course all we should care about. We want to be protected from severe disease, not have a lab test showing many antibodies.

The ONLY trial data on these new products is lab data on a mere 8 mice for Pfizer and 10 mice for Moderna! Worse, when the mice got challenged after injection, ALL of them got 'COVID'.


She ends this interview with, "At the moment we believe that the original vaccines that we are all using today are working very well ... and a third dose is important for everyone and a fourth dose for ... the very high risk groups." 🤡

This tells you everything about their BELIEFS and NOTHING about the FACTS, which tell the exact opposite story. She could just as well have said, "We believe the 2 + 2 = 5."


- Omicold (COVID-22) is a mild variant. If you are in good health, you have little to fear statistically and don't need additional protection. If you are not in good health, you should do everything possible to get in good health, e.g. healthy diet/lifestyle/environment.
- 'COVID' deaths have been and are extremely overreported: the majority of them died due to other causes, but were reported as COVID deaths.
- The COVID jabs are by far the most toxic jabs in the history of mankind with non-negligible risk of severe injury, long-lasting/permanent injury, and death. There are already severe safety signals regarding (turbo) cancer, neurodegenerative disease (e.g. Alzheimer, Parkinson) and reduced fertility.
- The COVID jabs are associated with NEGATIVE protection against ALL infectious diseases: the more you inject, the more you infect and re-infect (VAIDS)
- The new bivalent jabs are certainly not less dangerous, and may be even more dangerous than the previous monovalent jabs.
- The new bivalent jabs produce a strong antibody response in mice, but previous experience has shown that this is unlikely to have any clinical benefit in terms of protection against severe disease.
- The ONLY trial data on the new jabs was in 8 and 10 mice respectively for Pfizer and Moderna, in which case it didn't even work.

If you are a masochist, have a death wish and/or like Russian roulette, the new bivalent jabs may be a good option for you. Everybody else should avoid these products like the plague.



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