On this day two years ago The Aussie Senators released this cult classic: Dan Andrews

1 year ago

🚨 On this day two years ago. The Aussie Senators released this cult classic: Dan Andrews Is A Farken Kunt. Much thanks to all who have listened to, shared and enjoyed our song.

Buy Dan Andrews Is A Farken Kunt, from Bandcamp for $1 - that's cheaper than becoming an ALP Branchstacker, falling down a staircase at Portsea or 'winning' a tender for Hotel Quarantine even if you're not on the short-list! https://theaussiesenators.bandcamp.com/track/dan-andrews

Credits: Vocals & Lyrics: Senator Papahatziharalambrous 🎙️
Music & Video: Aussie Deplorable 🇦🇺 @shravaka #DAIAFC

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