Part 3. Cherry Guava Oat Cookies

1 year ago

Part 3. Cherry Guava Oat Cookies


1 & 2/3 cups of milk
½ cup of Xylitol
4 cups of ground Quaker whole quick oats
2 cups of cherry pie filling
150 grams of unsalted butter (1/2 a stick of butter)
1 & 1/3 teaspoon of baking powder (Optional)
2 table spoon of Guava paste
2 eggs
Salt to taste (1 teaspoon)

Whole wheat flour, corn flour or regular white enriched flour can be used. Water, buttermilk, or whole milk or both can be used for the liquid portion of the ingredients. Salted butter or oil can be used instead of unsalted grass-fed butter. Sugar or honey or any sweetener can be used instead of Xylitol.

Dry Mix
Using an electric grinder, slightly grind 2 cups of whole oats and leave to the side. Add the pinch of salt to taste.

Wet Mix
Whisk the eggs, melted butter, milk, and baking soda together. Add the grounded oats, cherry filling and guava paste to the mix. Gently mix all the ingredients together. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the
refrigerate for 1 hour.
After an hour, take the dough out of the refrigerator and portion out the cookies with a large spoon.
Place on the parchment paper, then flatten the cookies with a spoon. Bake until the cookies are light brown.

Pre-heat at 350 for 30 mins – Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown.

Music source:
AntipodeanWriter _ tech-house-divine-creation

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