Burden Bearers | Galatians 6:2

1 month ago

Do you have a burden that needs bearing?

Remember to go to the website and grab the 1 Samuel Scripture Journal today so you are ready to go when we begin!

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. — Galatians 6:2

One of the beautiful aspects of the church is the presence of those who've walked the same paths as you. They've been entangled in the same traps you're caught in now. The church is filled with men who've faced marriage struggles, financial setbacks, career challenges, health problems, and the snares of repetitive sin. Just like you, they've been trapped and found their way out. They've gained spiritual insight through their mistakes and can assist you in finding deliverance and freedom from your current trap. You need these men, and they need you. They can direct you to freedom, and you're their opportunity for ministry, reminding them to remain in freedom.

But to break free from your trap, you must humble yourself and make your way to church. Then, you'll need to connect with a brother who's walked the same road as you and share your burden with him. Next, you must listen and take to heart any good and godly advice you receive. And as you make progress, you'll be called to help others shoulder the burden you've carried and lead them to the victory and freedom you've discovered.

In doing so, you're fulfilling the law of Christ. Just as Christ bore our burdens, you're bearing the burdens of others to direct them to the ultimate burden-bearer—Jesus, who carries all burdens and grants us freedom from every sin's entrapment.



How can you actively seek out a fellow brother in Christ who has faced similar challenges to yours, and how can you initiate a conversation to share burdens and offer support?
Reflecting on your journey of overcoming past traps and snares, how can you now step into a role of mentorship and support for others struggling in similar ways?
DO THIS: Offload your burdens or lighten the load for a needy brother today.

PRAY THIS: Lord, help me humbly seek out fellow believers who can walk alongside me, share my burdens, and offer godly wisdom and support. Guide me as I, in turn, extend my hand to others, bearing their burdens with love and pointing them toward the freedom found in You. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Cast Your Burden.

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