

    The Swiss 🇨🇭Flag got Deleted by us today - This Symbol of Satanic Swiss NAZI Governments and their Democide had to go - #STORM - 50USC1550, EO13818, 18 USC 2381
    Defence War Operation STORM🇺🇸: The Musical to our multiple Beyond Biblical Retribution - Deleting NAZI Switzerland 🇨🇭- Surfaced #STORM - 50 USC 1550 WWG1WGA #SemperSupra 🤝🇺🇸
    NOTICE:🇨🇭 Covid BioWeapon Vaxx Doctors & Nurses in Swiss Territory - 50USC1550 - EO13818 - Executions
    THE STORM IS UPON US: 🇺🇸 "The rights of man come from the hand of God" - JFK 1961 - April 15 2024 the surfacing 50 USC 1550, EO 13818 #STORM - The End of Corporation America, End of Switzerland 🇨🇭 & Liberation of divine Humanity
    ECLIPSING all evil: "NAZIS in 🇨🇭! We are now coming for you !" - #STORM - April 2024 - God is in Charge! 50 USC 1550 - #SemperSupra 🤝🇺🇸
    « This #STORM Eclipses Now All evil » - 50 USC 1550 - Pascal Najadi, Guardian 🇺🇸April 7, 2024
    NON NEGOTIABLE: Our ongoing Retribution for the Swiss 🇨🇭 Born, Harboured and Executed Global Covid PsyOp & Military Grade Covid BioWeapon Injections Democide - Spring '24 #STORM - Global US🇺🇸 50 USC 1550
    TRUTH: « We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil, and Treason, Always » - We are Human Species and now we are Striking Back - Spring of 2024 #STORM - Beyond Biblical
    DISCLOSURE: With Sherry B. - A Right To Know, USA🇺🇸: The Acceleration of surfacing the ongoing covert Global US 🇺🇸led Defence War 50 USC 1550 - Spring '24 #STORM with Special Ops Cleansing Focus in Swiss 🇨🇭 Territory
    FACT: Traitor, former VP under Traitor Obama, the real Joe Biden, has been executed for Treason and Covid PsyOp, buried January 20th 2021, and witness very soon, in Springtime '24 - Surfacing #STORM 🇺🇸⚡️
    VEREDICTO (Espagnol🇪🇸): Guerra de Defensa Global encubierta en curso dirigida por EE.UU.🇺🇸 que golpea a los gobiernos suizos 🇨🇭y elimina la democracia suiza para su democidio con inyecciones de psyOps COVID - Primavera '24 #STORM
    СУДЬБА: "in legibus salus civitatis posita est" 🇺🇸Текущая глобальная оборонительная война США 15 USC 1550 - конец швейцарской демократии 🇨🇭
    URTEIL 🇨🇭🇩🇪🇦🇹: "in legibus salus civitatis posita est" - USA 🇺🇸, gegenwärtig in Kriegszeit - 50 USC 1550, EO 13818, 18 USC 2381 - Ende der Schweizer 🇨🇭Demokratie - US Militärjustiz - COVID PsyOps - Frühling’24
    VERDICT: "in legibus salus civitatis posita est" Current United States 🇺🇸 50 USC 1550, EO 13818, 18 USC 2381 Delete Swiss 🇨🇭 Democracy & Severely Punish Swiss governments by current Wartime President Trump - Spring'24
    General Flynn - Truth: A Hero that was key helping to save the United States🇺🇸 - #STORM Springtime 2024 - To Swiss🇨🇭Traitors: « We don’t worship Government, we worship God and we now show you where God resides »
    BONUS-Macron🇫🇷: Mon ami Russe, Pyotr Tolstoy🇷🇺, vice-président de la Douma d'État russe, parle avec un Journo de BFM TV des conséquences certes si Macron déclare la guerre. A regarder a la fin - Regalez (En Francais)
    The Swiss 🇨🇭 Covid Crimes & Treason against the United States🇺🇸 during ongoing global wartime 50USC1550 - #STORM Springtime ‘24 - Retribution⚡️
    DECLASSIFIED: The Apocalypse triggering #STORM - US 🇺🇸Special Ops. & Julian Assange caught and foiled the 2016 Clinton, Obama, Biden Treason Coup on Trump Presidency 🇺🇸 - Criminals Executed ⚡️
    DISCLOSURE: Pascal Najadi Live auf RT Russia Today 🇷🇺mit CIA 🇺🇸Whistleblower John Kiriakou - Covid Demozid - Schweizer 🇨🇭Regierung, WHO; WEF u.A. sind Schuldig (Deutsche Synchronfassung, RT, Moskau)
    FINAL ACT 17: Hey, Rogue Swiss 🇨🇭 and all other Government Elements & Politicians Your time is up, we are coming for you - #STORM Q (Declassified)
    DISCLOSURE - URGENT: "They poisoned all Humans in the world" with Dr. Robert Young, USA - Swiss Territory born Swiss Government Sponsored Global Crime against Humanity & Treason on United States - Swiss in U.S. Crosshairs EO 13818
    DISCLOSURE: US 🇺🇸Space Force USSF - We are the Light Obliterating all rogue elements linked to the Swiss 🇨🇭 born COVID PsyOp & Global COVID BioWeapon Injections, no exceptions - No escape from our #STORM - Spring 2024 - #SemperSupra