More About The Budo Blueprint System And App

2 years ago

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: 9 Week Budo Blueprint
Yesterday I introduced my Nine Week Budo Blueprint to take your training, understanding of karate & teaching skills to a MUCH higher level.
And the response was AMAZING. SO FAR beyond what I expected. Thank you very much for taking time out to read my post and leave a positive response!
I was looking for 15 students and instructors who LOVE Kyokushin and who are sick of getting stuck with incomplete sources, not being able to find a clear pathway AND are ready to take back control.
Just from yesterday’s single post I have had a total of 87 (and counting!) expressions of interest! And I will be contacting all of you within 24 hours. But 15 is just not going to cut it. So I am working on a solution!
On September 28th, 2021, the anniversary of my 50 years in Kyokushin, these founding members will start working closely with me to find the fountain of Kyokushin information they seek so that they achieve the level of mastery they truly desire. Does that sound exciting to you?
Would you LOVE to stop getting stuck in training or being disappointed with incomplete sources of Kyokushin knowledge and FINALLY achieve the level of mastery you know you have within you?
Those Founding Members will get:
✅ MY Complete Nine Week Budo Blueprint System so that you have a clear, step-by-step pathway that leads you all the way to such a high level of understanding you won’t believe it.
What makes the Budo Blueprint System unique is that in just nine weeks, you will zero in on a series of distinctive challenges, and if you stick to each theme for a week (or more), you will start to FEEL a real difference. It addresses the three key areas of Shin-Gi-Tai, which the martial arts traditions of Japan are all based on: the mind, technique, and conditioning, and their relationship. As part of the core foundation group you will surround yourself with others who are like-minded and just as focused as you: focused on DEEPENING skills the right way rather than just learning more and more things that for the most part just don’t work.

The Budo Blueprint System comes with some really good bonuses too.
✅ Weekly Group Webinars to accelerate your progress by clarifying any details and discussing your training with other Kyokushin Inner Circle members
✅ The Blueprint Process, a clear pathway that takes you over the wall so you can bridge the gap from where you are to where you truly want to be. With a fully formatted PDF to print out and keep forever. This blueprint will literally give you a logical process you’ll be referring to throughout your entire martial arts life
✅ Dojo of Mentors, our exclusive, closed Inner Circle Facebook group so that you can both get help and offer your own experience to help others too
✅ Your own Budo Blueprint App for an ENTIRE YEAR so you can refer to, train and learn anytime, anywhere. You also get an exclusive discount on the App membership into the future
The best part is, you will get all of this for an incredible discount as a founding member! I wasn’t going to actually talk about the cost of the investment until tomorrow, but with the incredible response yesterday I have decided to let you in on that right now.
When I do the full public launch, I’m going to charge $997 for this program. But Foundation Members will be getting a huge discount on that. And I have a good reason for giving you that discount…
I’m looking for the right people to work with me as we move forward: dedicated Kyokushin students (rank is not relevant, only heart and commitment is) who I can work with closely over the next THREE MONTHS to achieve incredible results and help me in return create the best possible training app for Kyokushin members worldwide.
I want you to be successful so that you can be the proof. A future testimonial of the Kyokushin INNER CIRCLE Movement!
Your discount? You get $600 off! All I need from you is $397.
“One of my lifetime highlights was meeting and training with Cameron from the mid-70s onwards. Even though we were both teenage Kyu grades at the time, it was clear to me from his natural abilities and dedication, that Cameron would end up being one of the best ever that Kyokushin Australia would produce. Sosai saw this as well and Cameron became like a son to him. This direct long-term connection between them has given Cameron a unique perspective and ability to provide a huge service to karatekas at every level. The Budo Blueprint App is the latest evolution from Cameron, allowing us all to experience firsthand and learn from, Cameron's profound knowledge of Kyokushin. And I am very proud to be part of the foundation Inner Circle membership. Osu”
Brad H, USA. Budo Blueprint Foundation Member
Serious about taking your training, understanding of Kyokushin and teaching skills to an unexpected level?
Leave a comment WORK THE GAP and email me at and I'll send you some further information.
Cameron Quinn

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