Anthony Fauci Floats News Ahead Of Major Criminal Charges? – FDA, CDC, Pfizer, Bribery, Fraud, Propaganda & More

2 years ago

Anthony Fauci Floats News Ahead Of Major Criminal Charges? – FDA, CDC, Pfizer, Bribery, Fraud, Propaganda & More

March 20, 2022

"These are tens of thousands of people hurt or missing... serious outcomes... This was private; they didn't tell us."

Claiming to be the gatekeepers of truth and facts, big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter have waged a war against any user they deem to be spreading misinformation. While starting with the high profile censorship of former President Donald Trump, the wave of de-platforming has extended to any person who does not follow the government-approved agenda. Just take Naomi Wolf for example.

Once considered to be the spokeswoman for the next feminist movement, Wolf has found herself censored, shunned, and de-platformed for doing nothing more than speaking out against the COVID-19 mandates and protocols that did little to stop the pandemic.

While constantly being attacked by big tech, Wolf recently appeared on Steve Bannon's "The War Room," where she discussed how the COVID-19 drug was approved by the FDA when thousands of subjects have shown adverse effects. What is even more startling is the fact that while over 9,000 people who took the drug have side effects listed as unknown, Dr. Anthony Fauci promoted it. And it continues today.

"These are tens of thousands of people hurt or missing… serious outcomes… This was private; they didn't tell us. They gave it to the FDA, and the FDA and Rochelle Walensky and Dr. Fauci, who's fleeing, told us all, `It's safe and effective.' And now Jen Psaki is asking for money to do it to your child!"

Speaking of Dr. Anthony Fauci, he recently appeared on ABC News' "This Week" with host George Stephanopoulos where he was asked about the idea of retiring. Fauci laughed, saying, "I'm not so sure George, I want to make sure we're really out of this before I really seriously consider doing anything different.

We're still in this. We have a way to go. I think we're got clearly going in the right direction. I hope we stay that way."

Take a look.

As for the COVID-19 agenda from which Fauci seems to be stepping away, Wolf noted how schools have become a political stage by forcing children to wear mask. Although school administrations claim this is to protect the children from contracting or spreading COVID-19, Wolf admitted,

"These schools get the money only if they keep the masks on... 7.8 million dollars went to one high school, Ichabod Crane, and parents said, `We want to see the contracts,' and the school board filed out." She added, "It is time for these people to be charged with all of the crimes, criminal offenses, that they are guilty of, and James Ostrowski will teach us how."

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