What They WON'T Teach You in School about NPCs, Midwits, and Egopaths

2 years ago

The MasterWork (diagrams and video) of Conner Wood:

I, Conner Wood, hereby grant permission for others to freely download and redistribute this video, my only restriction is that you do NOT try to profit directly off this video as this video should be freely shared far and wide and a paywall does not help with that goal. You want to make it part of something else and sell that like it being part of a documentary, I'm fine with that and you have my permission right here in writing to do so (and in the video itself I mention this).

NPC dialog - where they can only repeat the same few scripted lines of dialog because they can't think beyond that, can't think thoughts outside their comfort zone. As a consequence, once the discussion is out of their comfort zone they are incapable of further discussion which results in NPC dialog. The NPC dialog is a counter to either end or redirect the discussion. They will repeat a comfortable thought not wanting to concern themselves with discomforting thoughts.

[00:00:00] Intro
[00:01:32] Overview of NPC, Midwit, and Egopath
[00:05:55] Overview of The Mask of Perfection
[00:28:06] Living in Denial with Dualistic Certainty and False Dualities
[00:54:44] Aggressive Weaponized Denial - Taxonomy
[01:15:11] Aggressive Weaponized Denial - Trait Analysis
[01:41:32] The Comfort Camper
[02:14:02] Friedrich Nietzsche - The Higher Man!
[02:22:35] Carlos Cipolla - Taxonomy of Stupid + Midwittery!
[02:23:31] Death to the Intelligent and Master Morality
[02:33:18] Slavery is an Eternal Objective Evil
[02:40:14] Themes in Movies & Victim-Mimic
[02:46:25] Why Talk About These Movies
[02:50:55] Bloodshot - ULIMATE MENTAL SLAVERY
[02:53:44] NPC Panic - Phase of Panic
[02:54:25] Permission to Redistribute this Video!
[02:56:47] Egopath - NO EMPATHY
[03:02:30] Clown World
[03:06:38] I have a vested interest in good people succeeding, do you?
[03:07:07] What is NPC Dialog
[03:15:02] Some Other Movies - Free Guy, Idiocracy, The Matrix, They Live
[03:35:15] Mr. Smith the NPC Virus
[03:38:20] One answer to the Fermi Paradox
[03:42:06] They made their choice to be and remain what they are
[03:45:00] What is the Egopath
[03:55:59] What is the Midwit
[04:07:10] At this point....
[04:07:45] Midwittery, Dualistic Inversion, Dualistic Certainty
[04:13:25] False Duality Exhibit A
[04:20:22] Why Midwits Hate The Sheepdog
[04:27:17] DoubleSpeak Tactic - Code-Switching
[04:45:27] Conformity vs Intelligence - Own Nothing Be Happy?
[04:57:02] Friedrich Nietzsche - The Last Man
[05:13:55] Why certain sayings are true
[05:17:03] The SEVENTH HAT ( ◉Д◉ )
[05:38:42] DoubleSpeak & SoftSpeak - Deceiving Sheep
[05:54:04] Agreeableness itself is not a VIRTUE
[06:02:02] Determinism
[06:06:20] Psychiatry, DSM and Impression Management
[06:10:58] Outro

#TruthSeeker #Egopath #Midwit #NPC #NPCDialog #Psychology #VictimMimic #ClownWorld #DoubleSpeak #SoftSpeak #CodeSwitching #Narcissism #Narcissist #FanOfJollyHeretic #FanOfTyrRavensohn #NoThinkingBad

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