9 magic resize ... PART - 9 ....FULL & FREE COURSE 2022

2 years ago

HOST: So guys, if you're looking for more Pinterest pin designs just go to
Pinterest.com and then you can see the different Pin deigns OK. So, most of these
pins here are made using Canva OK, so you can see there's a lot of these designs
OK, so most of these are made using Canvas, so you can just get inspiration from
them OK, you don't need to copy them exactly but you can copy the style or the
design OK, so just browse and there are many designs, just get inspiration from
them and you will not be lacking in ideas OK, so now let's go back to Canva and
I will show you how to magically resize design OK, but this feature is available
only for Canva for work OK, so remember the paid Canva OK, so this cost 12
dollars,95ents per month. OK, but if you paid annually OK it's only 9dollars and
95cents, so that's 9 dollars and 95x12 that's 119dollars per year OK so if you want
to pay annually you will get a lower rate OK.
So for Canva for work, you can save your brand colors and magically resize your
designs, you can also organize your images into folders, upload your own fonts
and use transparent backgrounds remember with the logo, we need transparent
backgrounds, use Canva for work, so magically resize the design is another
feature of Canva for work, so let's go back to Canva.
And here you can see the Pinterest graphic again the size is
735pixelsX1102pixels. But the recommended remember the recommended the
size is 441X 1199pixels OK, but we can just magically resize this OK. So, just click
Pinterest graphic. So, we can resize this in two ways. First, you can just click
resize OK and then there are different templates, so you can resize Pinterest
graphic to a logo size, social graphic, it's cetera et cetera OK, so there are different
templates here with each of their own sizes. So, for example we can resize it
using the logo size, which is 500pixelsX500pixels OK so let's just click logo and
then click Abracadabra resize, click the button resize OK, so just hold on for a bit
it's still resizing, then click the design OK. So, this is what it looks like if you
resize it alright.
So let's do that again OK, let's choose a template, for example this one OK this is
a Pinterest graphic template and then click resize and then let's resize this into a
Twitter post Ok for example, no sorry maybe a Facebook post OK, so let's click
Facebook post and then click Abracadabra resize OK, so just click that, pop up
blocker OK sorry this pop up blocker so just remove the pop up blocker OK. So,
just click here always allow pop ups from Canva.com OK done. OK, so we can't
do that if we have a pop up blocker so let's just do that again.
Ok, I am sorry about that OK. So, let’s click again resize and then it's choose
again the Facebook post OK. So, click Facebook post and click Abracadabra
resize, alright now it’s the size of a Facebook post OK this is the size of a
Facebook post but you need to adjust it so you just need to fix the proportions
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