Laying the Foundation, Part 10, Final Judgment - Derek Prince

2 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Final Judgment - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince.
In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential foundational building process.

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Table of Contents:
I. Eternal Judgment (Heb. 6:2; Heb. 9:27)
A. Two kinds of judgment:
1. In history: Punishment or blessing on succeeding generations
a. Idolatry (Exodus 20:4–6)
b. Iniquity (Jer. 32:18)
c. Righteousness (Ps. 103:17–18)
2. In eternity: Each individual answers for his own life (Ezek. 18:1–4, 20)
B. Five principles of God’s judgment: (Rom. 2:1–16)
1. According to truth (v. 1–2)
2. According to deeds (v. 6)
a. 1 Peter 1:17
b. Recorded in “books” (Rev. 20:2)
3. No respect of persons—16 times in the Bible (v. 11)
4. According to measure of light (v. 12) [compare Matt. 11:20–24]
5. Includes secret thoughts and motives (v. 16)
II. Successive Scenes Of Judgment
A. Before the judgment seat of Christ: Christians only
1. 1 Peter 1:17, 4:17
2. Romans 14:10–12
3. 2 Corinthians 5:10
B. Five main features of Christian judgment:
1. Individual—each one will answer
2. Things done in the body
3. Only two categories: good or bad—no neutrality
4. Not for condemnation
a. John 3:18
b. John 5:24
c. Romans 8:1
5. For assessment of service (1 Cor 3:11–15)
a. Tested by fire
b. Not quantity; quality
C. Three requirements to stand the fire
1. Motive: For God’s glory (1 Cor. 10:31)
2. Obedience: According to God’s Word (Matt. 7:21–27)
3. Power: The Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:18–19)
D. Patterns of judgment:
1. Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14–30)
Parable of the Pounds/Minas (Luke 19:11–27)
2. Three applications:
a. Not to use is to lose (Luke 19:26)
b. Not to do good when you can is sin (James 4:17)
c. All who did nothing were totally rejected (Matt. ch. 25)
E. During the Great Tribulation: Israel
1. God blesses Israel direct but the Gentiles through the Jews
2. God judges the Gentiles direct but the Jews through the Gentiles
3. Jeremiah 30:3–7
4. Ezekiel 20:33–38
F. Before Christ’s millennial throne: Gentile nations (Matt. 25:31–46)
According to how they treated the brothers of Jesus (Jews):
1. Either admitted into the kingdom (Matt. 25:34)
2. Or condemned to everlasting punishment (Matt. 25:41, 46)
G. Before the Great White Throne: all remaining dead (Rev. 20:11–15)
1. Every life recorded in a book (v. 12)
2. Mercy for those enrolled in Book of Life (v. 12, 15)
3. Basis of judgment
a. Romans 2:6–10
b. Matt. 12:41–42
H. Personal application: 1 Cor. 11:31–32


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Videos in this Series:

1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment


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