Biden’s Vax Mandate Goes To Supremes, 3741

2 years ago

Good Sunday morning, I’m still reporting on the fate of the rule of law in the United States.

It’s likely that this week, the United States is about to get a Christmas present – a big Christmas present – from the United States Supreme Court – an affirmation of our freedom.

Let’s cut to the chase.
The current administration is attempting to rule by edict from the White House, and insisting that those who protest this disintegration of our freedoms go to the Supreme Court for relief.

But this is not the way our governance is supposed to work. Laws are not made by the edict of Caesar. They are made by the elected representatives of the people in Congress.

Then, if you want to challenge that law, you go up thru the judicial system, ending in a decision by the Supreme Court. That’s the way it works, and never in our history before has the executive branch attempted to usurp all powers unto themselves as this rogue administration is attempting to do.

The issue at hand is the Biden vax mandate. The resident-in-chief has proclaimed that businesses must force all employees to get a vax that is easily THE most dangerous vax ever provided to the p ublic. Current stats show that you have an equal chance of dying from the vax than you do dying from COVID. And that’s before proper long-term safety and efficacy studies are compiled.

That’s why a majority of scientists oppose forcing vaxes on children, because their risk of death is near zero from COVID, and therefore much higher from the vax.

The communist dictatorship currently occupying the White House is doing everything it can to suppress the truth about these vaxes, and getting lots of help from the big tech social media companies. Why? This is something we will have to sort out in the future, but suffice it to say that there will be record shattering litigation over the resulting health issues that will last for decades.

The litigants bringing this particular case before the Supremes are three companies – all with more than 100 employees - and Missouri’s attorney general, Eric Schmitt.

Schmitt wrote in a Twitter post:

“This was always destined to go to the nation’s highest court and I’ll continue to fight back against this breathtaking overreach.”

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Admin (OSHA) has decided that it is overseeing the vax mandate and set a Jan. 10 deadline to start enforcement. Companies not in compliance with the vax mandate will be fined up to $13,600 per day if they are attempting to comply and up to $136,000 for a willful or serious violation.

If not stayed by the high court, the draconian vax mandate will cause millions of additional layoffs in the U.S. and further depress the sinking U.S. economy. Of course, this is exactly what the communists want – the destruction of the United States.

There is one more political dimension to this struggle. Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer of New New York has in essence threatened the Supremes with court packing in a presser held from the steps of the Supreme Court building. In other words, the not-so-subtle message was, either start ruling our way, or we will add another 4 justices to the court.

This is nothing less than a fight for the soul of America – maximum personal freedom with minimum central control - perpetrated by a god-less, communist rabble, and this is slowly becoming evident to the majority of Americans.

I’m still reporting from the soon to be restored epi-center of world freedom. Good day.

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