COV Criminals Will Be Held Accountable, Says Atty./ Dr. Fleming in Warning Against Novavax

2 years ago

The criminals behind the COVID pandemic are going to ultimately be held accountable under the law, Dr. Richard Fleming, who is also an attorney, told The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman in this interview for Conversations that Matter (CTM). The two begin by discussing the Novavax, which Dr. Fleming warned against. While it works somewhat differently, the spike proteins will be made by moth cells instead of the injected person’s own cells. But Dr. Fleming noted that the spoke protein, which these shots are causing to be produced in one way or another, is the actual bio-weapon being used against the population.

DISCLAIMER: Now days we can’t find the truth. Everyone is spinning, lying, giving disinfo, you name it, so all I can do is give you info I have found that is interesting and it’s up to you to decide if you want to believe it or not. We must take in all kinds of info and be discerning about it because we don’t know what is true...we don’t want to throw out something that might be true even tho we thought it wasn’t. Just do your own research and be discerning.

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