Near-Death Experience - Anne Horn - Bring The Light Into This World

2 years ago


"He looked down at me and he said, 'you're not supposed to be here. It's not time for you to be here.'

"I remember looking up at him and saying, 'but I want to be here' . . . With all my heart, I wanted to be there. I wanted to go Home. I was happy.

"He took a pause and . . . you could see him thinking about something and deciding whether to say something. And with that . . . there was a picture placed in my head of a memory of my original agreement of why I had come to Earth to begin with. It was like I remembered, and I went, 'Oh, right. Right…'

"One of the things that bothers me so tremendously about the metaphysical movement, in lieu of my experience and in lieu of what I was shown . . . if there is any message I can give, it's not about meditating and leaving your body and taking your Light Being out of this Earth. Indeed, not. It is about bringing The Light into this Earth. Stay here. Be an anchor. Let The Light come in through you into this world. Don't abandon this world. We need you. We need you here. We need you to be present. And we need you to be open, with an open heart . . . Everybody must be open. To bring this new age in, it is about opening your heart and letting it sing through you. It is coming! And it is a matter of all of us. Just open your heart and let It come in. Don't leave. Don't meditate and think this place is a bad place and we're going to get out of here. This is a wonderful place. And it's going to get even more wonderful. You are here to anchor The Light so It can come into this dimension and be here.


Anne Horn’s near-death experience occurred as a result of being strangled by her husband, who in a fit of rage, brought her to the point of death. She describes leaving her body, encountering an uncle she never met in this life on the other side, reviewing her life, being shown a vision of how “a new age of Heaven on Earth” would unfold, and being reminded that she had agreed to come to Earth to help manifest this vision. Anne also describes many things that happened to her after her near-death experience, including dealing with aftereffects such as being able to read people’s thoughts, blowing up light bulbs, affecting watches and cash registers, being aware of things happening in other dimensions, being able to communicate with some animals telepathically, and sometimes ending up in places that she didn’t intend to go in order to help someone in need.


To learn more about Anne Horn and her near-death experience, go here:


Portions of Ann's story are included in:

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven


Learn about near-death experiences:

What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us

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NDE Stories

Near-Death Experiences From Around The World

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven

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