Kim Osbøl: When is enough actually ENOUGH? FUCK all the Satanist and their Servants![05.07.2021]

2 years ago

Note: It is the 'processing' that makes the video 'out of sync', the video is okay 'in sync' here, it sometimes does so on bitchute, brighteon and rumble - not my fault :) (Still processing)

- Moderna's 1st CEO was Anthony Fauci (and Bill Gates) Funding came from Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
- There's a Demonic Jackal in the White House - Watch his right eye.

'Be sober, be alert, be watchful and be vigilant; because your adversary the Devil (SATAN), prowls around as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour' - I Peter 5:8-12 NKJV

'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness (SATANISM) in high places' - Ephesians 6:12

'Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness (SATAN), but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] expose and reprove and convict them.' - Ephesians 5:11

Professor William Lutz C-SPAN Interview: What is Doublespeak (NPM- and NewSpeak) [1989]

Tina40: Fuck the Government (Me: Fuck All the Satanist)...[10.04.2021]

Fucking Tina40: Get the Fuck out of here your mother fuckers :) [26.05.2021]

The Vaccine and Its Deadly Effects on You - There's a Jackal in the White House and It's Demonic [04-07-2021]
wil paranormal - 42325 subscribers

22. oktober 2018 Kim on cash assistance harassed caseworkers: Here's the verdict
'Cash benefit recipient Kim Osbøl is fined a total of 5,000 kroner for making harsh statements directed at three caseworkers on social media.'

And all the sick satanic 'people' who committing their systematic satanic depopulation crimes for the Government.

When is enough actually ENOUGH?

This is me Kim Osbøl d 22 October 2018 in front of the courthouse convicted as a criminal for the first time for publishing these people's sick satanic systematic crimes.

The justice system in Denmark is total corrupt and rotten, all these satanists hold their hands over each other.

People are dying and commit suicide around me, and then I have to speak NICE?

They are all Satanists who commit systematic planned crimes against other people.

People die, commit suicide and set fire to themselves in front of City Hall.
And then there are all those we do not hear about.

Theese Satanists they know exactly what they are doing and they know they are not held accountable be the 'law'

These are not 'stupid' unintelligent people - No one can make me believe they do not know what they are doing...

They can stick their sweet empathetic accommodating understanding loving fake manipulative no-liability New Public Management (NPM) speak, DoubleSpeak and NewSpeak up a certain place...

And I'm not the only one who's got enough and says things as they Fucking are ...

What is Doublespeak, New Public Management speak (NPM) and NewSpeak ?

I'm 100% convinced that Joe Biden is a Satanist.
That he is also a satanic Lizzard should not surprise me at all.

Research: Tamara Magdalene Lioness of THE Yeshua

'You will notice the more awake you are, the less patience you have for opinions because you are operating on a different spiritual maturity.' - Tamara

Tamara Desiree Magdalene - @HolySpiritGirl7
I left the music industry and Hollywood to stand for Jesus Christ and fight for Truth.
You can only kill me once. I will come back immortal.

Tamara Magdalene Lioness of THE Yeshua #2
Joined May 15, 2021 - 4.91K subscribers

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