May 1- Dept of In-Justice, Commie Joe’s 100 day failures, Shortages Coming, Arizona forensic audit

3 years ago

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Today we will talk about a bunch of Commie Joe’s 100 day failures since he has ZERO accomplishments that actually help America or American Citizens. There are so many gigantic and embarrassing failures of this Commie scumbag that we can’t talk about all of them but we will talk about the biggest ones which are most destructive to America. We will also talk about Commie Joe’s address to congress and while he managed to not fall asleep at the podium, it would have been better for America if he did.

There has been some great developments taking place in the Arizona forensic audits so we will talk a bit about them and how the #CommuRats are getting even dirtier to stop this investigation and audit from taking place.

The Commie Joe admin and the #CommuRats are once again weaponizing the Department of in-Justice to go after conservatives and those that disagree with the Communist Gestapo that is trying to destroy America while continuing to give out Get Out of Jail Free cards to the real criminals like the Biden Crime Family and especially Hunter Biden, the terrorists of BLM and Antifa, and all the other #CommuRat scumbags trying to destroy America

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