Adorable Baby Loves Playing Peekaboo With Her Dad

6 years ago

Every child’s favorite game has to be peek-a-boo! Even parrots love it and for a good reason! Peek-a-boo uses the fundamental structure of all good jokes - surprise, balanced with expectation.

Peekaboo is thought by developmental psychologists to demonstrate an infant's inability to understand object permanence. Object permanence is an important stage in the cognitive development of infants, because in their early stages, babies are completely unable to comprehend object permanence. That is why they can never be bored with this game.

Each time a baby does something, parents love to film it! it’s a cause for celebration. Today, every parent is able to document the moments that will matter most down the road. How great will be that for the babies, so when they grow up they can watch the videos and be grateful for the moment captured by their parents! How rewarding it must be to capture it all on camera — like this baby playing peekaboo with her dad! A video that will be cherished forever!

Peekaboo never gets old. Not only does the babies love it and seem happy to do it for hours, but when we were young we played it a lot! And we are not ashamed to admit it! But, peekaboo is a game played through the generations. We are all born with unique personalities, in unique situations, and with unique genes. So why is it that babies across the world are constantly rediscovering peekaboo for themselves?

A baby's first smile is an exciting moment. But what can it tell us about their understanding of the world? Peekaboo is a most loved diversion for little children, and if an accomplice is ready, these adolescents can frequently proceed with the amusement for a long while until the point that some other diversion goes along. What is it about peekaboo that is so appealing at this age? The appropriate response lies in the multi-capacities this amusement serves in helping youthful youngsters in arranging a few noteworthy formative assignments that are of essential significance amid the initial three long periods of life.

This adorable baby loves this peekaboo game and her partner in crime is her dad! She can play all day peekaboo with her dad and never get bored! Check out how much fun this baby is having during a game of peekaboo with daddy. Cuteness overload! Did you love to play peekaboo when you were a kid?

Just take a look at the girl’s big smile! You can tell that she is having a lot of fun! These cuties have so much fun together with her dad, as they play the sweetest game of peekaboo that we have ever seen. Just look at that big smile on the toddler’s face! We have a feeling that these two are going to have very long hours playing this adorable game!

Did this video make you smile? Here is another cute video as this giggling baby plays peekaboo with pug! Apparently, the game is so good, that the tiny babe cannot stop giggling. The pug isn’t all that impressed though.

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