False Flag Bird Flu, Anthrax & Ebola Vaccine Terror Gimmicks Inbound

25 days ago

I am taking an educated hues that the Deep State is so desperate for cash that they will try to spring this Bird Flu Hoax for all it’s worth, if that doesn’t work they will try the Anthrax Vaccine tactic by sending out white powder in the mail and try to create a Bio Terror Event From That.

But Grandpa Tom’s prescient over preparation has really paid off.

* Our National Stockpiles of both Vaccines have been REDATED thru standard SUBLOT procedures and both vaccines rely on the hazardous MF-59 Adjuvant - see links below - including worrisome reports of partially live Ebola Vaccines being tested in and around Cheyanne Mountain, Ft Carson and the Air Force Officers Academy in Colorado. My buddy Sabotage Jeff has inside info on the ground. - Grandpa Tom

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April 8th, 2024
Breaking News 📰 Enter The RED HATS -Enter The “Red Hats” | Real Raw News https://realrawnews.com/2024/04/enter-the-red-hats/

1.) Why not see what’s happening on my feed at Veterans Against Treason https://referral.rumble.com/RK8n

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Here are the beginning notes I have on about 3 different Ebola Vaccines 💉 being tested, one already in Colorado near Ft. Carson, AF Academy, & Cheyanne Mountain 🏔️ ( what are the odds ?!?? )

Massive Red Flags 🚩 Everywhere.
Attenuation is often flawed, virus 🦠 resistance, improper detergent rinse, all the normal production line problems, freezing and thawing variances, improper handling, mold can be present in any vaccine 💉, micoplasmas ( toxoplasmas ) can be present in up to 400 varieties in any combination and and any strength, they ARE utilizing the crippling MF-59 adjuvant that was NEVER REMOVED from the Anthrax Vaccine 💉 

I cast a wide net !!!
Please scan my notes 📝 

Mark This As A Critical Nationwide Threat To Both Civilians And Military with a 90% Death ☠️ Rate. It’s Rope-A-Dope Boxing 🥊 

They lull everyone to sleep 😴 with a Whimpy but exhausting plague, and then follow up later with one of the worst.

( Anthrax is powder form only when last I checked ✅ and will be an almost certain fake 🥸 out if put in play. ) Will only work in enclosed places with central air like Cruise 🚢 Ships, Aircraft Carrier *, other ships and Hotel Meeting Rooms for distribution- see Project SHAD or Legionnaires Disease. 

Tom Trefts
( 330 ) 881-7580

Seal Cheyanne Mountain Shut For The Duration Now!!!!

Highest Alert ‼️ Biological Threat To Carson Army Base and Cheyanne Space Force Base, Colorado. New Injections Of “ Live “ Ebola Vaccines being given to medical 🏥 staff at Carson Army Base, Colorado in Cheyanne Mountain ⛰️ 

 Fort Carson, the Mountain Post, is a proud Army post located southwest of Colorado Springs, Colorado, between Interstate 25 and Highway 115 in El Paso county. 


 Near : Cheyenne Mountain ⛰️ Space Force Base.

 Near https://www.norad.mil/Newsroom/Fact-Sheets/Article-View/Article/578775/cheyenne-mountain-complex/ ********** 

Sheriff Prepares People Of Ohio About Coming Conflicts Inside America - https://gab.com/graymaze/posts/111906692541790082 ——/ 

 Autoimmune Technologies LLC, New Orleans Gulf War Syndrome ANTI-SQUALENE ANTIBODIES LINK GULF WAR SYNDROME TO ANTHRAX VACCINE Data published in the February 2000 and August 2002 issues of Experimental and Molecular Pathology strongly suggests that Gulf War Syndrome is caused by a vaccine contaminated with squalene. 

 The August 2002 article is entitled "Antibodies to Squalene in Recipients of Anthrax Vaccine" (Exp. Mol. Pathol. 73,19-27 (2002)). 

 Gulf War Syndrome, or GWS, is the term which has been applied to the multi-symptom rheumatic disorder experienced by many veterans of the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf war. 

A similar disorder appeared in 1990-1991-era personnel who were never deployed to the Persian Gulf theater of operations and also in other military personnel, including participants in the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program, or AVIP, which was inaugurated in 1997. 

No data has ever suggested that the disorder experienced by the deployed 1990-1991 soldiers is different from the disorder experienced by the other groups of patients, but the other cases have not been considered to be cases of GWS. 

 Squalene was found by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in five lots of the AVIP anthrax vaccine. 

The discovery of serum anti-squalene antibodies and the development of a test to detect these antibodies has made it possible to see that links appear to exist between the contaminated AVIP vaccine lots, the illness experienced by post-1997 vaccine recipients, the illness experienced by non-deployed 1990-1991-era patients, and the illness in deployed 1990-1991-era patients that has been referred to as GWS. 

 The data establishing these links is presented in the peer-reviewed February 2000 and August 2002 articles. The published findings (1) strongly suggest that the GWS-like illness being reported by all of the various patient groups is the same illness, (2) strongly suggest that the contaminated vaccine caused the illness in the AVIP group, and (3) further suggest that squalene contamination of one or more 1990-1991-era vaccines accounts for the GWS cases from that era.

 Before the anti-squalene antibody test was developed, there was no specific laboratory test for GWS. Both articles suggest that the antibodies can serve as an excellent laboratory marker to help identify patients with GWS. ( Asa Assay Test named after Dr. 👩‍⚕️ Pamela Asa - along with Dr. Robert F. Garry from their joint research at Tulane University / as for Dr. Pam Asa, whereabouts unknown - she was an email friend of mine. I don’t even know if she is alive or dead.
 ( Tom Trefts ).   Please see the book 📕 Vaccine 💉 A by Gary Matsumoto.

Using the antibodies as a laboratory marker for GWS could be very useful in helping physicians diagnose the disorder and in differentiating it from other rheumatic illnesses. 

 Anti-squalene antibodies might also provide a key to more effectively treating GWS patients. 

The presence of the antibodies in GWS patients indicates that the immune system is involved in the development of GWS. Effective drugs which modulate the human immune system are already in wide use, but they have not been previously considered to be appropriate for GWS patients. 


🦠🇺🇸  BREAKING – Cows in Ohio test positive for H5N1 bird flu

The criminal Biden regime seems to be sabotaging the nation’s food supply to further amplify inflation and impoverish hard-working Americans struggling to make ends meet, as well as laying the foundation for yet another make-believe health crisis.
In April 2022 and January 2023, RRN covered the arrests, trials, and convictions of Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, respectively, whom JAG hanged to death for manufacturing an imaginary emergency that resulted in the slaughter of 150 million birds in 47 states. The regime’s justification for eradicating them was avian influenza, a disease that dwelt only in their deranged minds at the time. However, the outcome, a 25% and 45% price hike on poultry and eggs, left a palpable dent in peoples’ wallets.
Now, the Deep State is revisiting the old trick, claiming that H5N1, a highly pathogenic avian flu, is propagating among hens and jumping species to dairy cows, goats, and man, while also downplaying the “outbreak” to temporarily delay public hysteria.
“The cabal commits crimes insidiously, slowly. A minor inconvenience today becomes a full-blown disaster in a few months. The Deep State conditions the public to accept a future calamity. An artificial catastrophe,” a White Hat source told Real Raw News.
The USDA claimed on Monday that inspectors found avian flu in cattle herds in New Mexico and Texas, and the CDC said the virus has infected one person. Moreover, the nation’s largest egg producer, Cal-Maine Foods, shuttered a Texas plant after detecting bird flu in some chickens. The plant’s response, under Department of Agriculture supervision, was mass culling nearly two million hens.
A Cal-Maine employee speaking under promise of anonymity for fear of reprisal told RRN that USDA inspectors arrived at the plant unannounced Monday morning and showed management a report confirming that bird flu was spreading throughout the coops. He said management didn’t scrutinize or challenge the findings; they accepted it as fact and started killing birds arbitrarily.
“Nobody here said nothing about the bird sickness until those USDA guys showed up out of the blue. So, the bosses send half the shift home and the rest of us get told we gotta start culling. Then they pull the plug and everyone goes home. I don’t know if or when I’m getting called back to work. It’s my feeling that someone in the company, and I sure as hell don’t know who, believed those guys or was working with them. I don’t think none of our birds was sick,” the Cal-Maine worker said.
Though anecdotal, his accounting of the incident aligns with how the USDA in 2022 and 2023 used fabricated test results to trick the poultry industry into believing their birds posed a health hazard to society.
RRN contacted two other Cal-Maine workers, but they refused to comment.
Elsewhere, Minnesota reported a case of H5N1 in a goat—the first documented case of avian flu among ruminants. RRN reached out to the Minnesota Dept. of Health,

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