COVID Narrative Was Built On A Giant Pile of Lies

1 month ago

You know it's bad when they've even lost Dr. Phil.

Dr. Phil isn’t buying the Covid narrative any longer. Admitting that Covid policy was not based on science is no longer conspiracy. It is uncomfortable but easy to find.

“They knew better,” he said on a recent episode of his show, referring to health and public policy experts. In fact, a lot of data shows that “they” did.

Explaining he’s “not some conspiracy theorist,” Dr. Phil noted, “I’m saying we need to think about whether we’re going to rely on science and how we’re going to react when the government comes in and starts telling us what we can and can’t do.”

For instance, on masks. We sent children to school and sports in masks for days on end and pretended we didn’t know they were toxic. There were already studies showing that masks could be toxic to children before the pandemic.

Another example is natural immunity. We knew that previous exposure to a virus increases immunity to it. We just pretended we didn’t. Doctors have testified to Congress that this undermined trust in other vaccines.

And that whole stay six feet part from other humans? We also know from Dr. Fauci’s Congressional testimony that that “just sort of appeared.” And yet Dr. Fauci was awarded the Stearne Medal this week for his “commitment to evidence-based decision making.”

Dr. Phil says that the pandemic should show us that "we need less government. I think if they would step back, we tend to have a way to work these things out.”

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