Impeached DHS Director Alejandro Mayorkas Won't Answer Question About Laken Riley's Killer

1 month ago

Secretary Mayorkas refuses to answer Rep. Dan Bishop when asked what lawful basis DHS had in paroling Laken Riley's killer, Jose Ibarra, into the country. -- On the other side of the Capitol today, DHS confirmed that Ibarra was paroled ILLEGALLY. DHS just confirmed to me that the man charged with Laken Riley’s murder was paroled into the U.S. illegally, “due to detention capacity at the Central Processing Center in El Paso, Texas.” He wasn’t granted parole because he provided a significant benefit to the country or that he had a humanitarian need, as the law requires. The Biden Administration is breaking the law at the expense of innocent Americans.

Sen. Ted Cruz: “They apprehended her killer when he came illegally…Had Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas simply followed the law they would’ve put him on a plane and flown him back to Venezuela, and Laken Riley would still been alive. But they didn’t."

• More at: Twitchy - 'Paroled ILLEGALLY': Impeached DHS Director Won't Answer Question About Laken Riley's Killer
Rumble: Laken Riley's Murderer Was Paroled Illegally Due To Detention Capacity At El Paso Processing Center

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