Alex Jones – “Trump Vaccines are Basically Sugar Water” – The David Knight Show

2 months ago

As David Knight says – this is what “Controlled Opposition” looks like.

Alex says it is slightly attenuated.

Does this buffoon even know what he is saying? Because slightly attenuated means they are putting Viruses in the vaccine.

Yes, it means weakened, but that is what they always say but who the f*ck can tell in our idiotic medical field anyway?

They can’t even isolate ANY virus so our doctors and entire medical never has a clue what really is in these vaccines.

They just have to trust what they are being told, period. It is a field run by dirty scum bags who have an open depopulation agenda.

Alex says “I went and looked up the ones (vaccines) that Trump is looking at.”

Where did you look this up? Where did you find this information Alex?

Bill Cooper said Alex Jones was a deep state fraud and I completely agree.

The deep state run these operations in which they SUE those who are working for them so it looks like they aren’t working for them.

Alex and Trump are both controlled by the same puppet masters. They have strings attached to them and their actions are controlled.

Then after Alex says these are very weak, he says “they have very low amount of adjuvant in it.”

Well, all of them say they have very low amounts of Adjuvants in them because the Adjuvants are the poisons used to stimulate an immune reaction. They use mercury, aluminum, squalene, dna, and graphene oxide for adjuvants.

Poison will raise your antibodies, thus any solution with an adjuvant can be called a “vaccine.” It is a fraud. ALL vaccines are HARMFUL.

The only good vaccine is one that is never made.

Alex is so full of sh*t.

“Trump’s looking at basically sugar water for folks.”

You f*cking liar Alex.

How these loudmouths still walk around in public is beyond my understanding.

Then the moron says: “Can we take a little attenuated, microwave, irradiated covid deal?” “Absofreakinlutely.” “Covids already everywhere anyways.”

What the f*ck is he saying?

Where did the microwave and irradiated words come from?

Is Alex saying the vaccines are filled with RADIATION??? Were they ever tested for high levels of radiation?

And what did the babbling imbecile mean when he said “covid is already everywhere anyways?”

He is just like Biden.

Maybe he is telling some truths like Biden does, but gets away with it because he is acting so incompetent and people just believe he mispoke.

Alex is a shill. 100%. He is controlled.

Now we are supposed to just forget everything that has happened and accept this ridiculous new normal they are pushing with the food and supply attacks and the manipulation of our financial system.

The Stimulus Checks during this pandemic was money to keep us believing the government was really concerned with us and it was Predicting Programming for when they introduce Universal Basic Income.

Stefan Oelrich – Bayer CEO at WHO summit said: “If we had surveyed two years ago in the public, would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body, we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate. I think this pandemic has opened many peoples eyes to innovation in a way that maybe was not possible before.”

OKAY – What he is really saying is this – people were not willing to take an mRNA gene modifying cell therapy, so the pandemic which caused FEAR – (which stands for false evidence appearing real) and scared the hell out of them, made them reconsider as we pushed the idea upon them that this was the solution to easing their fears.

All it takes is a little fear to control people.

All of this was a SHOW. Trump was trained for this moment in time. He knew what was happening.

You might as well call Klaus Schwab or Anthony Fauci our President during Trump’s final year, because Trump didn’t do sh*t to stop they tyranny.

BOTH sides of the aisle are controlled opposition. Why are we participating in presidential elections?

Why are we even calling them “elections?”

They are not our candidates they are the Cabal’s candidates.

Why we do have to vote for one of their puppets?

I encourage you to follow David Knight. He is good. His content is good. Link below.


SOURCE: The David Knight Show --


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END. 4/3/2024 – 9:00 PM

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