Judge w/Top Intel Analysts: US and UK were 100% behind Moscow Crocus Terror, perhaps Israel.

2 months ago

President Putin: Everyone, Including Westerners, Behind Moscow Terror To Be Liquidated.
President in Waiting Medvedev on the future of Moscow Terror Attack perpetrators: "Everyone is asking me. What to do? They caught them. Good job to everyone who caught them. Should they be killed? Yes, they should. And it will be done. But it's much more important to kill everyone involved. Everyone. Those who paid, those who sympathized, those who helped. Kill them all."
US destroyed anti-terrorism cooperation – Moscow . While US border is wide open to any Terror Group. Stupid!
Dmitry Trenin: It’s time for Russia to give the West a nuclear reminder —Washington is waging a proxy war in a bid to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Moscow and a tougher response to this is needed
Moscow attack terrorists were to be met as ‘heroes’ in Ukraine – FSB chief
Russia targets Ukraine’s decision-making centers – MOD
VIPS MEMORANDUM: The French Road to Nuclear War
Nuland nee Nudelmann Unhinged Against Russia
"Putin Faces Some Nasty Surprises" - Victoria Nuland's Threat Exactly One Month Before Moscow Attack
Scott Ritter: On the Brink of Nuclear War : CIA & MOSCOW ATTACK cut 3.50 – 15.40 22.35-40.46
Lt Col Ritter US Marine Military Intelligence WMD Inspector
Larry Johnson: Was MI-6 or CIA Behind Moscow Terror? Cut at 8-27.30
Larry C Johnson - Senior Officer of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism
Ray McGovern: What Happened in Moscow? CUT 0.50 -16
Ray McGovern - CIA Deputy Director Responsible for Briefing Presidents
Alastair Crooke: Is Europe Preparing for War? CUT 2.20 - 15
Sir Alastair Crooke MA MI6 SAS Commanded 23 Special Air Service
Amir Weitmann, the head of the libertarian caucus in Israel's ruling Likud party: Russia is supporting the enemies of Israel. Russia is supporting Nazi people who want to commit genocide on us and Russia will pay the price," Weitmann said. "We're gonna win this war. Afterwards, we're not forgetting what you're doing, we're not forgetting, we will come, we will make sure Ukraine wins. We will make sure that you pay the price for what you have done, you as Russia.
What are the odds you could go on the web and find four men willing to go on a Suicide mission to kill over a hundred people at the Crocus City Hall five miles from the center of Moscow, and only get paid $2,500 each? Do you find them on the web under Killers-R-Us? Or is it more likely these are CIA groomed Manchurian Candidates on Scopolamine. All four shooters should be checked for drugs in their system. Scopolamine is the CIA drug of choice. Scopolamine is the drug used to create murderers for false flag operations. Scopolamine is easily obtainable in South America; street criminals use it. It has the amazing property of making people under its influence do anything they are told, leaving them with no memory of what they did. This is how patsies are made.

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