Generation Z and Generation Alpha. Gen Zer thoughts and reflections 19 Mar 2024

2 months ago

Generation Z and Generation Alpha. Gen Zer thoughts and reflections 19 Mar 2024
Written 20 Mar 2024:
I like how Don Steva was already taken on the mindset of a father.

Where do these terms like "fanthom tax" and "gyatt" even come from!?

"Gen Alpha is Something Special.."
"The world isn't ready for Gen Alpha"
"What's Wrong with Censorship?"
"Government Can't Fix Healthcare" (Bill O'Rielly)
"Highlights from BillOReilly com’s No Spin News | March 8, 2024" (Tim Pool)
"Young Women TERRIFIED To Say There Are 2 GENDERS , Far Left And Democrats Rule BY TERROR" (Lauren Southern)
"Disillusioned Zoomers Need HELP not Mockery" (Dennis Prager)
Socialism Makes People Selfish

Some of points/arguments about capitalism weren't very coherent, a bit sloppy, this is a reflection of me, not the arguments. This video was primarily about Gen Z & Gen Alpha, my reaction to the change in culture. I was just taken aback by how many anti-capitalism, anti-billionaire posts there were in Gen Z posts.

The ultimate question is, who do you think will better spend your money, you or the the government. Government which many times through history hate a group of people, which could be you. Governments, known for corruption and doing evil. I'm not an anarchist, but I'm for keeping government very small, less money, less power. Less money and less power = less corruption. No govt = choas/anarchy/disorder. You need govt, you need a structure, but I think it should be kept to a minimum in size and power. Police, military, courts, law/parliament, not healthcare & housing. Ideally not schooling either, I am very pro-school choice. "The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen".

Capitalism/Free Market = you get to decide who gets your money
Anti-Capitalism = govt decides who gets your money (hint, their cronies, aka corruption)

Some have said that the lockdowns/covid period was the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. I was against the lockdowns. As was Dennis Prager, who staked his reputation on it, and he was right.

I'm pro-good working conditions, but long term they aren't achieved through anti-capitalisms and govt regulations. They are achieved by a society with good values, people who vote with their dollars in the free market for better products, better working conditions.

"Also the big rise in favour is socialism and anti-capitalism I think is because, people in the current system and feeling how badly things are going, and they are misattributing their problems to capitalism, rather than corrupt big govt. it’s like, I know and get that currently economically things are bad, mega crops and making bank, the system is set against most people in that their are heavy regulations that make it hard to get buy unless you are a big business with money to comply, the lockdowns really helped the rich, however I get that this is not the fault of capitalism, but of govt intervention with regulations and so. But I think many many people are blaming capitalism for the problems, when it’s the oppose cause, the suppression of capitalism by big govt with regulations and corruption, that are the problem"
- 12 Mar 2024

"Farmers are real people, farmers are opposition to govt, they understand the land and nonsense when they see it
And the left backs more and more regulations on them, causing farmer suicides and farmers selling up
And Bill Gates and co, mega corps, buying up

Which is terrible, as it’s irreversible when you lose the generational farmers, and get an increasingly monopoly by big bad corps"
- 12 Mar 2024

"Prager said way back in 2020 the lockdowns were bad and would hurt the poor, sure enough. I think it’s well know the the lockdowns resulted in a massive shift of wealth from poor to the rich, the ultra rich people got really rich. And when you make it too hard for farmers like in nz, Germany, Holland, USA, you’ll do irreversible damage, as farmers will suicide or sell out to big mega corporations who then have massive influence and control heaps of land, and be more monopolistic. You want a situation where farming is controlled by tons of individuals, not monopolies, and currently it’s controlled by lots of individuals, lots of competition and not centralized power, you want it that way, but the more regulations, they more you’ll destroy the farmers and create a monopoly. "
- 5 Mar 2024

Pro-free market
Pro-school choice
Pro-small govt

I think both Tim Pool and Lauren Southern (I think both Millennials) have great insights into Gen Z. As does Dennis Prager and Bill O'Reilly. PewResearch does interesting studies on Gen Z.

PDF I showed:

PewResearch: (I mentioned this one in the video. My memory of it wasn't exact, Jews were the 2nd highest not highest group among 65+, and didn't drop to the lowest or 2nd lowest group among Gen Z, however you can clearly see a pattern of how the favorability of the Jews is slipping with every generation, and Gen Z viewing the Jews the most negatively, more than the previous generations)

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