Our channel and our work - our animal rescue work - CENSORED BY YOUTUBE INDONESIA

2 months ago

Straight back to being black balled on Rumble still - and I don't even know why - another channel with the exact same type and even number of videos has THOUSANDS of views - and this platform brags about being the alternative to youtube.....
An insight into the kitten and cat rescue work we do, from the conditions and situations in which we find these defenseless and vulnerable animals to their rehabilitation and future lives.
Just some of the work we do. Also showing the situation of older cats who are abandoned just because they are sick, pregnant or old. There is very little sense of a mutually beneficial dynamic in pet ownership here - loyalty does not flow both ways! This is especially demonstrated when a female cat has the cheek and audacity to get herself pregnant (as if she should know better) and finds herself thrown out on her backside with the kittens - or just the kittens taken off her and thrown away.

For those who genuinely do not know - this type of behaviour, the separation of nursing animals (or non fledged birds) from their Mother, is anathema in Islam and expressly forbidden by Islam (by a well known and famous sahih hadith) - so the claim of a people to belong to the religion of Islam while happily and DEFIANTLY doing such practices can be seen for its bogus nature - along with selling and buying cats and dogs, and refusal to do Halal slaughter according to conditions, etc. This is just in relation to treatment of animals. Of course, the same is true for the rest of their behaviour in all other matters.

We are now entirely dependent on online donations for the entirety of our work. We get no online help from Indonesians. We also get very little help from my own country Ireland, and despite trying, I have never had any contact with Irish expats living in indonesia - something which I know the Irish Embassy in Jakarta has played a part in for reasons know best to itself. I have literally never talked with a single other Irish person living here - which is obviously quite bizarre and unnatural.

We are entirely dependent on donations from the small community of people who have joined with us online and have literally facilitated us continuing this work. Through their donations we have been able to keep going so far. We have refused to join the ever growing group of foreigners and foreign animal charities who have abandoned their principles, and whatever ethics they had, in order to fit in here locally. This is in relation to finances, availability, attitude and treatment of animals, acceptability and need for euthanasia, activities which have absolutely nothing to do with animals or animal welfare. Our ethics are in completely compatible with the professional veterinary associations in the US, most European countries, and specifically Veterinary Ireland. It may surprise some people that we are also then fully compliant with Islamic Hukum and sharia law.

As Muslims, we utterly reject the prevailing idea in Indonesia that euthanasia of animals is bad, evil, 'murder', and that animals should be let die in agony when relief is possible. This way of thinking is not from Islam, has nothing to do with Islam and IS NOT EVEN REMOTELY COMPATIBLE with Islam in any way shape or form. It is the tripe and rubbish of pre-Islamic drivel. The hukum in relation to euthanasia is that it is not only permissible, but most scholars: a recommended action ('mustahab') for animals in distress.

Thanks to all our supporters and subscribers who patiently continue to support us, especially in light of the unfair and draconian treatment our channels get from this platform.

Thanks to those wonderful people who help us with donations.

A particular thanks to @jamesstreet228 who has literally kept the ship afloat, AND THEN SOME, with epic generosity, while youtube google tried to wipe us out.

A special thanks to my Patreon supporters:
Dejan Gole
Torsten Schwan
Marc 1981er
Mad Chemist
Mary Yetts
Lynne S
Diana Pulido
Keith Cawthorne
Lisa Dickie
Vanessa Sorrell
Lars Pettersen
Your contribution is making a daily difference.

#kittenrescue #animalresue #indonesia #ireland

Enquiries: mycammedia@hotmail.com

Please consider making a donation to us to help support our efforts. Our greatest need is for funding for vaccination and neutering of cats for adoption.

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Google: AMTI Petshop +62 0822-4362-8094
Google Maps: https://g.page/AMTI_petshop?share
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