Laken Riley Murder Suspect Illegally Entered U.S. While Kamala Harris Was Saying This To Chuck Todd

3 months ago

A suspect has been arrested and charged with the murder of University of Georgia student Laken Riley, and the man was in the U.S. illegally: Per three ICE & DHS sources to me & Griff Jenkins, Jose Antonio Ibarra, the suspect charged in the murder of nursing student Laken Riley, is a Venezuelan national who crossed illegally into El Paso, TX in September 2022 & was released into the U.S. via parole. We reached out to ICE for an official statement confirming these details yesterday - and they are telling us today they “do not have any comment”. Additionally, yesterday, DOJ charged Ibarra’s brother, also an illegal alien from Venezuela, with having a fake/fraudulent green card.

Ibarra reportedly entered the U.S. in September of last year: UGA Murder suspect illegally crossed border in Sept of 2022 in El Paso, TX and was released… Remember what Biden, VP Kamala Harris and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas were saying around that same time? Laken Riley’s alleged killer illegally crossed the border the same month that Kamala Harris told Chuck Todd “the border is secure.” We all know this has been a huge lie for a long time, but in this context, it's particularly infuriating: Vice President Kamala Harris twice declared the U.S. southern border is "secure" during an interview Sunday, despite the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who routinely cross into the country every month. During an interview on "Meet the Press" aired during the 21st anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Harris was asked by NBC News anchor Chuck Todd whether the border is secure.

The vice president responded that the immigration system was "broken" under the Trump administration and still "needs to be fixed." - "I think that there is no question that we have to do what the president and I asked Congress to do, the first request we made: pass a bill to create a pathway to citizenship," Harris said. "The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed." -- The segment also contained the usual predictable effort to blame Trump for anything that was going wrong. That was said during the three-year period the Biden administration was insisting the border was secure, but when that lie became unsustainable they shifted to trying to blame Republicans. It won't be surprising if they're shameless enough to do that in response to this particular horrible story. -- There's a campaign ad. Unfortunately, this administration's been such a disaster that there's no shortage of campaign ad material.

Rumble: Shocker! Media Headlines Avoiding (Illegal Alien) Detail About University Of Georgia Murder Suspect
Twitchy: Newsweek Puts a 'MAGA' Spin on Story About Illegal Charged With Killing UGA Student
Twitchy: Laken Riley Murder Suspect Illegally Entered U.S. While Kamala Harris Was Saying This to Chuck Todd

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