Solid Stove JICAMA FRIES and Why You Ought to Eat Them 🍟🥔

3 months ago

#RockinRobinCooks #healthyrecipes #jicamafries
JIcama fries are delicous and nutritious. Flavor these up at any rate you like for low carb keto fries you will cherish. Being somewhat sweet, marginally firm, and loaded with flavor, you will making these constantly.

Attempt these French fries and perhaps you won't return to potato fries once more. These keto fries are made with sound olive oil which beats those normal fries southern style in vegetable oil. You additionally get the advantages of eating jicama with all the fiber it contains. You can eat jicama crude or cook it.

Jicama Fries Recipe
1 medium jicama
1 Tbsp. olive oil
Garlic powder
Smoked paprika

Preheat stove to 425 degrees F.
Strip the jicama with either a potato peeler or a blade. Slice it down the middle and afterward cut ¼ inch thick cuts. From that point cut the jicama into french fry size sticks and spot in a pot. Cover with water and a top and heat to the point of boiling.

When bubbling you can eliminate the cover and keep bubbling for 10-12 minutes. Channel into a colander and cool for several minutes. Spread the French fries out onto a perfect towel or paper towels to retain the overabundance fluid. Put paper towels on top to smear dry.

Put the French fries in a bowl and add the olive oil. Blend to cover every one of the chips. Then season with salt, garlic powder, and smoked paprika. Throw and rehash the flavors.

Put the French fries on a material canvassed baking sheet in a solitary layer so they are not contacting.

Prepare at 425 degrees F. for 30 - 45 minutes relying upon how brown and firm you maintain that these keto fries should be. You will turn the chips over part of the way through the cooking.

When the chips are as dull and crunchy as you like, they are finished.



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