Censorship of Civilian Populations is a Military Exercise: Michael Shellenberger

5 months ago

Michael Shellenberger is an investigative journalist and author who has given multiple expert witness testimony in US Senate hearings regarding the censorship industrial complex, identifying the individuals and groups behind this burgeoning oppression. He is a lead signatory in the October 2023 Westminster Declaration which was written to warn the public of "increasing international censorship that threatens to erode centuries-old democratic norms".

He writes at Public:

Here he describes the censorship of civilian populations and what is being done to stop the practice which governments across previously democratic nations are all engaging in via the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL).

CTIL consists of military contractors involved in censoring civilians across the English speaking world, and using sophisticated psychological operations against us. It was founded by a group of former Israeli and British intelligence agents who initially volunteered their cybersecurity services for free to multibillion-dollar hospital and health care organizations in the U.S. to assist in information control regarding the Covid-19 pandemic response.

CTIL’s plan to control the information landscape also includes using debanking as financial leverage, pressuring social media platforms to change their terms of service to facilitate censorship and deplatforming under the guise of “terms of service violations,” and more.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v40c52v-dod-colluded-in-domestic-censorship-scheme-ctil-whistleblower-files-show-mi.html

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