Kryon 2023 - Consciousness is Splitting - Dark becoming Darker and Light becoming Lighter

7 months ago

The line is being drawn in this civilization to which side you are going to be on. The light is increasing exposing the dark illuminati. They are now fighting for their lives.

Consciousness and thoughts have energy. This is not measurable right now. Consciousness is over matter. Consciousness can change physics.

Innate is the smart body of the human being. Every human has several layers of body consciousness.

Most humans right now are operating at 34% of our DNA efficiency which leaves a bridge between your human consciousness and the innate inside you. Jesus had near 100% operating DNA. Which is total consciousness.

The innate is responsible for the health inside you and the spiritual evolution inside you. Innate knows the inside, not your social life or what you do for a living, it doesn't know your chemistry but it reacts and helps. Innate is benevolent.. Innate is waiting for you to give it verbal instructions.

Talk to your cells -- cells are listening, innate is listening.

There is energy when you speak outloud. When you speak in the open air, your ears hear the vibration from your consciousness and it enters your brain. Innate is in every cell, in the blood in your brain and it hears you.

We are in a new amplified energy where old souls are ripe for change.

Creating Reality -- you can create your own reality. God is WITHIN each of us. We have creative powers. Old souls have lots of power, especially when uniting for a cause as reality can instantly be changed. This is why verbalized prayer and affirmations work. But you don't really pray, you KNOW, you don't ask, you don't believe, but you state, you affirm, you know.

The affirmations must be positive and as though they already are in place and you are stating they are.

The ancients did the rain dance while it was raining, they were creating it THEMSELVES. They were not asking the Gods, they were creating the rain.

Ancient Information -- we live in a bell shaped curve, some are average and some are above and below. Disease is bell shaped also, some will catch it all the time and some will never catch it and there will be an average.

Innate is not aware of what is happening outside your body but is listening for you to talk to it. Innate is always listening for instructions to help you.

Innate is connected to the higher self in a very specific way. It is not connected enough to know what is going on outside and around you. The creative source is connected to the benevolence of innate. It is also connected to your consciousness which gives you intuition. What you verbally say to innate will also control intuitive thought.

We are structured by expectations and humanity expects average.

Innate is not connected by what goes on, on the outside, it wants to help you by what you STATE.

You can apply an energy of consciousness to the average curve and take it out of average. There are a hundred applicants for a job you want, you state to the innate that the job is yours and others will call you lucky. It's not luck.

Innate works with your intuition to create synchronicity for you to be in the right place at the right time , if not that job but for a better one you didn't know existed.

This is how you create your own reality.

Speak outloud to your innate.

If you concentrate on fear of getting a disease, innate interprets as that is what you want, so it will help you get it.

The global elite who control the media knows this and they are constantly dishing out a daily dose of fear and anxiety.

Turn the mainstream news off.

You say your affirmations as innate hears it. "I am healthy", someone could hear you and say "no you're not", but you are affirming your future. The chemistry of your body begins to shift and your intuition gives you what you ask for.

There are no limits on what you can do. We are not slaves to the bell shaped curve.

Conscious thought and affirmations are the key to creating your own reality.

Speak your affirmations outloud. "I'm going to get this job, I am this job, it is me."

The intuition which is part of the higher self hears you and knows what is around you. Innate may not, but the higher self does and they are connected.

God is within you and God loves you. You have free choice whether to love back.

Let the mastery within you come out.

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